Siteimprove Accessibility Checker Siteimprove Accessibility Checker

Version: 2.0
Last Update: 2023-04-19

User Reviews

avatar Alina B

Great extension. It helped to make rough initial assessment of our website.

avatar Gregory Brewton

It really helps me to check accessibility of components as I build my client's sites. Quick and easy.

avatar Ren Tyler

This used to be my favorite checker. Happily would've given 5 stars. Now...

-1 star for no more side panel.

-1 star for being colossally slow to check sites. Tested several. I closed after 15 seconds of getting no details. Used to be near instantaneous results.

-1 star for having to even deduct stars in the first place.

avatar 隋鹏

It is not friendly to web developers.

avatar Robert Moore

Version 1 would retain your settings, v2 has to be rebuilt for every use. As mentioned earlier, 2.4.7 Focus Visible and 2.4.4 Link Purpose are not being discovered in v2.

avatar Jeff Leombruno

Unfortunately version 2.0 doesn't seem to return all the same errors that my coworkers with v127 see. Specifically v2 is not returning errors about 2.4.7 Focus Visible and 2.4.4 Link Purpose on a page where my coworkers see those errors using the older version of the extension.

avatar Jurjen de Vries

I really like the extension because it is helping a lot to optimize sites with WCAG norms so a broader audience is able to surf the web. But for me it also worked better as a sidebar of the page as we had in the previous version. What about a configuration switch in the settings so we as end-users can decide if we want it as sidebar or on a separate page?

avatar Carlos Izquierdo

Antes era una buena ayuda para auditar la accesibilidad de una página web, ahora, esta nueva versión es un asco. Me dedico a auditar la accesibilidad de sitios web y compruebo muestras de 35 páginas simultáneamente y que se abriera la extensión a un lado de la ventana no estaba mal, ahora es una ventana emergente que a veces sale y otras no. Además cuando sale me obliga a abrir y cerrar la ventana cada vez que cambio de pestaña porque no se sabe a cual de todas se refiera. Esta nueva versión no aporta nada nuevo pero sí que empeora la experiencia de usuario, ¡Por Dios! vuelvan a la versión anterior, esta es inusable.

avatar LynnAnn Huizingh

I love that this exists! As a UX designer I am always looking for quick simple ways to check accessibility and this does the trick! Couldn't recommend it enough.

avatar Thomas IX Days

Hello, I can't find documentation if this plug-in works at checking ADA accessibility for mobile devices if I use the plugin while using the developer tools (Responsive Views) on a Chrome browser. It's been frustrating find information about this.

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