Smooth Scrolling with 60fps Smooth Scrolling with 60fps

Version: 1.7
Last Update: 2022-11-03

User Reviews

avatar Ne0Gen3tic

This extension is very good! Only the developer has made a "rough mistake ". The developer writes e.g. "This effect X" 0/1 (ON/OFF), that "sounds" as if the "0" would "turn on" the effect, but this is NOT the case! The number "1" switches the "Desired Effect" "On". This " careless rough mistake" led certainly with many to a " incorrect, not existing experience ". But this "Extension" has not been "Updated" for several years, namely since the year-2016", but still it works very, very nice! It enables "hardware accelerated rendering" and it does so brilliantly!

I have made some "Adjustment" to the "Programming Code" so that this "Extension" runs even better! Also it is better to "Enable" the "Chrome Flags" "Smooth Scrolling" and "GPU Rasterization", "2D Canvas" and some "more Flags" additionally, so that this very excellent "Extension" can "Play out" its whole and fullest "Potential"! I can recommend this "extension" to anyone who values an "Accurate Hardware Accelerated Antialiased Scrolling"!

avatar Sandro de Paula

aqui não funcionou legal não, ao rolar a tela continua com solavancos

avatar Aiden Sony

Nice it works

avatar Jinshenron

I just recently downloaded this extension on my Chromebook to see if it would work. It work ok and it didn't really speed up my computer. Overall It is a very good extension

avatar Руслан Товмасян

New extensions in chrome store for smooth scrolling. Working is beautiful.

avatar BLH BSIT

There use to be an addon that allowed 100% flexibility. Rate of scrolling, smoothness and more. I can't find it anymore. So I installed this. It is simple, of off button only. It works. My scrolling is 1:1 in that what I scroll, I get and expect. Thanks

avatar Paulo

Does what it says on the tin! Just upgraded my laptop for a high res one and chrome was struggling with the rendering of the scrolling when using the touchpad. It was really a pain to scroll through the pages. This plugin solved it and almost gives it an Apple/Macbook user experience.
Only reason i'm not giving 5 stars is because the options and their labeling could be greatly improved.

avatar A Google User

The options are weird. The extension's author uses zeroes and ones to enable / disable options, but uses them illogically. In binary, 1 = true and 0 = false. But looking at the options the extension author seems to use these settings at random with a 0 or 1 meaning different things for some settings than it does for others. Rather than just using an On / Off toggle.

Which is a shame because it does seem to work once you wrestle enough with the terribly awkward settings menu.

avatar Thijminecraft02


avatar Yash

This is exactly what i wanted !! works like charm !!

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