Splashtop Vault Splashtop Vault

Last Update: 2022-12-08


Splashtop Vault is a Chrome extension developed by Splashtop Inc.. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Splashtop Vault is, updated on 2022-12-08.
146 users have installed this extension. 2 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Splashtop Vault securely manages passwords for Splashtop products and web apps.

Splashtop Vault™ manages your passwords with ease, while accounting for the latest in cybersecurity threats and technology advances.

Enjoy everyday ease of password use

Safely store your passwords, protect your accounts with strong passwords, and easily fill passwords on any device. Splashtop Vault includes synced and encrypted storage, a highly customizable password generator, and synced autofill for both mobile and desktop browsers.

Protect yourself with the latest in password management

Under the hood, Splashtop Vault protects your passwords with the latest encryption, stores them via the latest in cloud native architecture, and alerts you of threats to your accounts.

Strong unique passwords synced across all devices
- Sync & manage your passwords across all devices including mobile, web, tablet, and desktop browser extensions.
- Securely store passwords, notes, payment info, IDs, and personal info​.
- Generate strong, unique passwords to protect against cyberthreats.
- Flexibly switch between multiple Splashtop Vault accounts.

Password autofill and sharing
- While on a login page, automatically see your available logins. No logins? Spot phishing.
- Reduce manual typing. Get prompted to save existing passwords for autofill.
- Autofill time-based one-time passwords (TOTP).
- Share passwords to exact dates. Protect shares by number of uses and passphrases.
- Seamlessly integrated with Splashtop remote desktop access. Supports mobile and desktop Splashtop clients.

Secure storage and access
- Splashtop Vault is built on a Zero-Knowledge security architecture — besides you, no one (including Splashtop) can gain access to the credentials.
- Protect your Splashtop Vault with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Use Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, Duo, RSA, and YubiKey OTP.
- Encrypted storage with XSALSA20, Poly1305, Curve25519, and SCRYPT.
- Maintain password security – Automatically compare your passwords to known data breaches and to take action.
- Allow trusted individuals to access your account via Emergency Access.

Splashtop remote access community

Splashtop Vault is also a complimentary add-on service to Splashtop remote access and support solution subscribers.

Support & FAQ: https://support-splashtopvault.splashtop.com
Website: https://www.splashtop.com/splashtop-vault
Privacy Policy: https://www.splashtop.com/privacy


2 ratings

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Current Version




Splashtop Inc.





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avatar Alex Au

no more post-it notes :D and nice authenticator code autofill

avatar Mark Lee

simple and just works... & free :) impressed.

avatar Alex Au

no more post-it notes :D and nice authenticator code autofill

avatar Mark Lee

simple and just works... & free :) impressed.

avatar Alex Au

no more post-it notes :D and nice authenticator code autofill