StoriesHub. Stories App for Instagram StoriesHub. Stories App for Instagram

Social & Communication
Version: 1.3.1
Last Update: 2022-11-05


348 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar Aditya Kurniawan

mantap.. sangat membantu

avatar Can K.

Hey man. This is a great extension.

But there is one issue i'm experiencing.

When i search for a location based stories, it only show 20 stories. And i know that there are at least 500 stories from that place on that day.

Is there a way to fix it or am i missing something? Or maybe we can manually refresh those 20 stories for the different ones with a button?

Thank you so much.

avatar Eduardo C. Tolentino

funcionou perfeitamente com stories, não testei ainda com lives.

avatar snakedesigner motion_graphics

Отличное расширение) Жалко нет дополнительных функций редактирования, добавить текст например или отметить аккаунт. В общем, расширение отличное!

avatar Big Brain Monke

it worked for like 4 seconds then it started loading and every time i reset instagram it played the same few seconds from the live stream every time

avatar Satrio Agung

Sangat membantu untuk stalking

avatar Thiago Alves

Melhor app, testei mais de 20 apps para baixar stories e são todos péssimos, nenhum se compara a este.

avatar Luqman Syahir

it's a really good extension but recently i found that when watching live suddenly it says live ended while the person still going on live on insta.

avatar Daniel Sanchez

Cumple su función, eso bien, pero le tienes que dar acceso a leer y modificar TODAS las páginas web que visitas, 0 privacidad. Además desde que la instalé me ralentiza Chrome. Fue desinstalarlo y volvió a ir fino como la seda.

avatar squish game

nice, but you should really add the ability to put posts from feed on story. otherwise, its nice!

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