Tab Muter Tab Muter

Version: 2.0.0
Last Update: 2023-01-02


146 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar Jordan Goodwin-Madden

Life saver. I used to like the muting tabs feature in Chrome until they removed it. This extension does the same thing; despite the button being in a slightly different place but it works flawlessly. It mutes/unmutes the tab you are currently viewing and ONLY that tab (it won't mute the whole of Chrome - just the tab you're viewing at the time of pressing the mute/unmute button).

avatar Osman Osman

Thank you for adding this.

avatar D Sarkar

Suggestion : Please change icon color as it is very difficult to see the icon and click to unmute tab if we have chrome Dark mode enabled. Both are black which is making it difficult for us.

avatar Jason Yu

Thanks god there is this extension
Google is stupid removing this

avatar Red & White Tigers

Very Nice. Coming from Firefox I was missing this feature and I learned that Chrome had this at one time. Glad you made this, thank you.

avatar Maximilian Wolf

Works best so far. Thanks for this!

The only thing I would love to see is the option back in the context menu while RMB on a tab. But anyway ... does what it say's and doesn't mute all tabs like other extensions. 3

avatar abowman

this is not a restoration of the tab mute functionality. the idea of tab mute is to click on the audio icon of the tab when you are not in it to mute it from another page. if you have to open the tab to mute it, you could just mute the audio source in the page itself.

avatar David Ziegenhagen

Omg thank you, don't understand why Google removed this or at least just changed it to an option between mute site or tab so people can choose.

avatar Jordan

No idea why Google keeps insisting on removing the ability to mute individual tabs. First they removed how clicking the icon would mute it, but now you can't even right click and mute a tab. You used to be able to fix this by going into your Chrome flags, but now even that option is removed. My guess is they want to make it harder and harder for users to be able to mute ads.

This is the next best alternative. The only annoying thing is you have to actually go into the tab you want to mute and then click the extension. But that's not the devs' fault, it's Google's.

avatar Cklodar

Thank you for making this! Removing users' ability to mute individual tabs was an incredibly dumb thing for chrome devs to do; if they thought doing so would make chrome more light-weight, they should realize that they're only forcing users to have to load an extra extension.

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