TextCortex: Zeno ChatGPT AI Writing Assistant TextCortex: Zeno ChatGPT AI Writing Assistant

Version: 1.7.3
Last Update: 2023-04-19

User Reviews

avatar himi oumaima

Great extension. I highly recommend it.

avatar Kristen Travison

I've been using this for a short time, but already it's made writing emails faster. I don't have to spend forever thinking of the best way to say something. I can drop my ideas and TextCortex helps me clean them up and simplify quickly. Game changer!

avatar 3rd EYE Digital

It's only been a few days since I started using this, but it's improved my content creation workflow tremendously. So far amongst all the A.I tools I have used so far, TextCortex has provided me the best output. Great tool.

avatar tayseer sarhan

As soon as you write two keywords, there is a website in the world that understands you and what you want to write, a very excellent site, very accurate, that generates ideas for you that are impossible by traditional methods.

avatar Ghulam Abbas

I found best jarvis alternative, very helpful tool :)

avatar Marco and Helen Esposito

This is an extension that saves tons of hours and thoughts to complete a blog, product descriptions, and much more.. We highly recommend it to get the full version for more options.
Time is money!

avatar Nihaal Bhogal

It is amazing, I don't know how they do it but I gotta admit the way it generates content in seconds is unreal. I recommend this to you if you're a blogger or a content writer! Loved it!

avatar Miskiat Abidemi Lukman

I really love this, it has been really helpful with making blogging easier. absolutely recommend.

avatar Gajendra Ojha

The best Copy writing tool ever for content writer. Easy to use & all things are at your finger tips.

avatar William Mensah

This is really good. It made writing more easy!

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