TTV AdEraser TTV AdEraser

Social & Communication
Version: 1.2
Last Update: 2020-12-27

User Reviews

avatar Larry Fenn

It works that is all I can say.

avatar Sage Uyeda

Worked for a bit, but then the twitch purple screen came up, waited like ~3 secs and it'll go back to the stream. But then it just kept reloading the stream, making it unwatchable. This reload happened like every 10 secs of watching. Don't know if it's a bug or something but I hope it gets fixed.

avatar Anonymous Pizza

does not work

avatar Logan

Can be a little buggy sometimes and does not always block ads but it does a better job than 90% of all the other ad blockers out there for twitch. Thanks for making it man I hate those 10000 twitch ads every 2 minutes more than you'll ever know.

avatar Ken

Works great as of right now. Only complaint is that I cannot copy any text on the page by highlighting it with my cursor. This is a problem with the extension and does not get fixed unless i disable the extension.

avatar x3nit

Stream won't start now.

avatar arianwen27

Does exactly what it says it will do

avatar Shion Sinx

It does block ads midstream, but when you first open them, during the preroll ads, the stream doesnt loads so you have a blank screen for 30s~.
It ads an audio compressor button near the already existing one, which is useless.
Often it 'breaks', as in it unloads the custom player and opens the regular one (easy to notice due to the lack of a second audio compressor button and other changes listed below).
It makes so when you click the player it pauses/unpauses the stream (standard is doing that when you press space while the stream is selected), it doesnt exits Theatre mode when you press ESC and when hovering the stream only the menu buttons appear at the bottom, the stream information (current viewers, category and title) do not appear at the top.
EDIT: its actually worse, wow. It keeps BOTH players at the same time and the 'right' one is a few seconds behind. Looks like it just keeps alternating when it runs ads so you see the one that isnt, but sometimes it bugs and you can hear both audios or the position breaks and you see both (and they get off the area where the player should be).

avatar Val Ellis

Doesn't work, why is it still on the store

avatar Prove

This is the extension you're looking for. Blocks ads and has an option to put them in a smaller player, actually sick. This man deserves a coffee for all the time he's saved me from ads. Make sure to turn off audio compression by scrolling down in the player settings.

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