USC WebReg Super Schedule USC WebReg Super Schedule

Version: 0.0.2
Last Update: 2019-11-21

User Reviews

avatar Ben Ma

It's like magic. I hover over my classes and a genie opens a portal to another dimension where Santa Claus is real, politicians put the people over personal gain, and my classes are all arranged in neat order with no class before 10 AM or after 4 PM.

Loved it.
-Dazzled in Dallas

avatar Eric Choi

I loved it! Being a communications major with a media studies minor had a lot of conflicting classes that I need to look over.

A grateful student

avatar Ben Ma

It's like magic. I hover over my classes and a genie opens a portal to another dimension where Santa Claus is real, politicians put the people over personal gain, and my classes are all arranged in neat order with no class before 10 AM or after 4 PM.

Loved it.
-Dazzled in Dallas

avatar Eric Choi

I loved it! Being a communications major with a media studies minor had a lot of conflicting classes that I need to look over.

A grateful student

avatar Ben Ma

It's like magic. I hover over my classes and a genie opens a portal to another dimension where Santa Claus is real, politicians put the people over personal gain, and my classes are all arranged in neat order with no class before 10 AM or after 4 PM.

Loved it.
-Dazzled in Dallas

avatar Eric Choi

I loved it! Being a communications major with a media studies minor had a lot of conflicting classes that I need to look over.

A grateful student

avatar Ben Ma

It's like magic. I hover over my classes and a genie opens a portal to another dimension where Santa Claus is real, politicians put the people over personal gain, and my classes are all arranged in neat order with no class before 10 AM or after 4 PM.

Loved it.
-Dazzled in Dallas

avatar Eric Choi

I loved it! Being a communications major with a media studies minor had a lot of conflicting classes that I need to look over.

A grateful student

avatar Ben Ma

It's like magic. I hover over my classes and a genie opens a portal to another dimension where Santa Claus is real, politicians put the people over personal gain, and my classes are all arranged in neat order with no class before 10 AM or after 4 PM.

Loved it.
-Dazzled in Dallas

avatar Eric Choi

I loved it! Being a communications major with a media studies minor had a lot of conflicting classes that I need to look over.

A grateful student

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