Watch Party Watch Party

Social & Communication
Version: 0.2.6
Last Update: 2020-04-13

User Reviews

avatar Dominic Tassio

Easy to use, I don't have to make an account, and it just works.

avatar Felipe Alvarenga Prates

If I create the Watch Party, my friends disconnect from it after a few minutes.
If I join my friends' Watch Party, I disconnect from it after a few minutes... It just shows "User left the party". So, it doesn't work.

avatar Jacob Marshall

Clean interface, better than Netflix Party! 5/5

avatar Elianna Hedge

did not even work :(

avatar GopherBot9000 _

I am good

avatar Joey sou

Great extension!

avatar Amber

It worked great the first couple of times, and then it just stopped randomly working.

avatar Kate McNay

Doesn't work at all

avatar Shelby

It works fine on Disney+ but it doesn't show up for me on Netflix :(

avatar Malaea Perelini

So...... I tried Netflix Party out and its okay but I wanted to watch stuff on disney+ as well. As soon as I tried it, it worked! You just have to make sure that the person you are trying to watch with has watch party as well. The extension is great and I love how you can customize your own character.

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