WebRTC Leak Shield WebRTC Leak Shield

Social & Communication
Version: 1.0.8
Last Update: 2022-05-21


188 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar Roku Karasu

Fonctionne. Il faut juste ne pas oublier de l'activer dans l'extension SetupVPN.

avatar Michael YKM

Pentru cine vrea confidentialitate on-line, nota 10+
Cea mai utila din bransa ;)
Bravo 'hoxx'

avatar Lonnie Lay

Works as intended. Ignore the dummies in the comments, this is not a VPN, it doesn't hide your IP.

avatar Devka Kurva

I love this extension. Works fantastic. However, during the last couple of weeks it doesn't remain turned on as it used to do. Sometimes it is turned off when I open the browser, and other times it turns off itself while using the browser. Can anyone give me some advice please?

avatar Saint Lord

No doubt, one of the best one.

avatar TronTronic Entertainment

Heck, so much brainleaks on the comments :P
So to clarify:

This extension does prevent any local/public IP leak THROUGH WebRTC (a protocol implemented on most current browsers for realtime communication), which can be abused to fetch your public and even local IP (local part mitigated in most browsers through obfuscation possibility) - no matter if youre behind a proxy, using a VPN or whatever. Such an extension cannot automagically change your regular gateway's Ipv4/Ipv6 unless the extension itself would be a proxy/vpn client. It's meant to plug that one loophole, where not even anonymizers can protect you from. The extension on its own doesnt protect your privacy, if youre not using any anonymizer (changing your public Ip address)

avatar Mehdi Mohammadzadeh

not work

avatar B Cord Edleman Jr

Worked right off the bat with SetupVPN!!!

avatar Dale Hughes

works great! YOU DO NEED A VPN FOR THIS TO WORK (recommend set up vpn)it changes your IP address so they cant track you. keep up the good work!

avatar Psychic Heart

Even with a vpn on and this extension on, some sites can still read my IP.
Also it recently asked for access to my mic and camera!
That may or may not be legit but it's not explained anywhere. And it didn't used to do that.

Works sometimes - is invasive (mic and camera) without explanation

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