Youtube™ Actual Top Comments Youtube™ Actual Top Comments

Version: 1.3
Last Update: 2022-02-27

User Reviews

avatar Robert Denby

This is a brilliant extension that saves so much time and frustration! As a coder, I have a few suggestions to make but if you're reading the reviews to simply figure out if this is worth installing, the short answer is "YES, ABSOLUTELY!"

I'd like to respectfully submit a few bug fixes and features that would instantly rocket the extension to five stars.

1) When the extension encounters an error (like the one shown below), it should not have to start over from scratch to reload all the comments. 6 or 7 minutes into the fetching process and then having to start over is a little frustrating.
"The API server failed to successfully process the request. While this can be a transient error, it usually indicates that the request's input is invalid. Check the structure of the commentThread resource in the request body to ensure that it is valid."

2) In the interest of saving time, there should be an option to begin pre-fetching the comments as soon as the page loads.

3) Once started, the fetching process should continue in the background until completion. As it is, you cannot use the same browser instance or click on anything within that instance while the extension is fetching. If you intentionally or accidentally change the focus, it stops and you have to start over from scratch.

4) There should be an option to stop the fetching before it is complete and be able to use what has already been loaded. When I've got 200,000+ comments on a video, sometimes I just want to stop it early and be able to search whatever has been pulled so far.

5) Once the fetching process is complete, the greyed-out button still says "Working..." It should change to "Complete" for the sake of clarity. When I first used the extension, I thought it was just locking up at the end of the process and never pulling down the last of the comments.

6) There should be an option to only filter after you've pressed "Enter" in the search box. At present, it apparently tries to automatically filter comments after every single character you type. When there are a huge number of comments, this functionality produces a great deal of lag with every character you type.

7) When the filtering process is running, the "Working..." status on the button should change to "Filtering..." and when it's complete, it should change to "Complete." Searching through huge numbers of comments can take time and the user should know it's not locked up or crashed but that it's still filtering.

8) It would be nice to know roughly how long you'll have to wait on the fetching process. Next to the number showing how many comments have been retrieved so far, it should display the total number of comments on the current video. (As mentioned in #3, if you try to scroll down to see the number of total comments yourself, it resets the fetching process.)

9) This is more trivial but it would be great to have an option that allows you to sort comments by the number of replies they have. Sometimes I'd like to see the comments that provoke the most conversation.

Please don't take these suggestions as a complaint of any kind! You've done a marvelous job on this extension and while the above items would be awesome, it's still absolutely fantastic in its current state! GREAT WORK!

avatar Danny Foster

awesome, keep it going bro

avatar Ese Kasari

It is as fast as the fetch mechanism of Youtube itself provide for the developer so ignore the "slow" comments.
Of course there may be some missing features but who cares, this extension is a rebellion against the tyranny of Youtube :)
Thank you man, great job.

avatar Quân Cờ Đen

can u make it available for youtube post? it works, but only with videos

avatar Najla N. A

Love it!
I also have extension that similar with this and it's good too..
But they're can't show the like and just showing the reply preview~
(so I use both of it)
btw it's will be great if this extension have shortcut.. because I usually use keyboard than mouse..

avatar Christopher Reid

Bro this plugin has literally made my life so much better! Everything works as advertised and it makes things incredibly easy to search specific comments from people, words etc and see the top comment accurately. It's also really not that slow it sorts through thousands of comments in literally 20 seconds...a truly invaluable resource to have especially when holding giveaways in your comment section!

avatar Ariana Nightshade

Can't image Youtube without this extension, absolutely brilliant. Simple and effective design.

avatar Wassil Choujaâ

Great extension ! I would make it 5 when the script execute itself in the background because when a click somewhere else, it stops completly :/

avatar Volk Born

Is it possible to add a number of replies near comment? So you could find if its a heated section

avatar Jonas

Thank you for blessing us with this amazing extension!

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