YouTube Playlist Helper YouTube Playlist Helper

Version: 2.8.0
Last Update: 2022-11-06

User Reviews

avatar Kira Qwin

- the playlist created didnt allow show unavailable video button
- when convert playlist to queue, it will create additional 2 duplicate videos in process
- github page doesnt have issues feature enabled, so there is no way to track the bug or issues

avatar Yash Gupta

Great Extension... Just Add Rename Feature.. (I know it exists but actually it rename playlist on local storage not on the youtube server)

avatar Osman Sameer Mohammed

Useful extension. Glad this exists!

avatar Kyo ngi

Maybe this is useful to someone but did absolutely nothing for me. Got this purely to reverse youtube playlists but the million and one steps I need to do so is just enough of a permanent turn off for this extension.

avatar Zach

My criticism would be that you cannot sort a playlist by date uploaded and it simply does not work at all for playlists with a lot of videos. I tried to use this as a method to "sort by oldest", a feature that Youtube idiotically removed, but it doesn't work if there are a ton of videos.

avatar Chas Schwaebe

Great extension. exactly what i needed

avatar Max Morais

Sensacional, várias formas de criar playlists. Fiz uma pesquisa sobre programas/serviços que criam Playlists do Youtube, e essa extensão supera e muito todas as opções que encontrei.

avatar J’Nya Etienne

i really love this extension because i can add a public playlist to my playlist so i can remove and add videos thank youuuu so much LOVE IT

avatar Dingickso

On youtube there are 3244 songs in the watch later tab. They do not provide a function to save this tab to a playlist, which is *** tbh. So I tried to use this. It would be useful if it actually saved the playlist when I press the "save playlist button", but instead nothing happens.

avatar Life Glazing

How i keep youtube url(copy at current time) when i create playlist?
if i create playlist that include youtube url(copy at current time), it is removed and start from 00:00

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