zzllrr Imager Lite zzllrr Imager Lite

Version: 2021.2.9
Last Update: 2021-02-09

User Reviews

avatar Floris Romeijn

doesn't work for me

avatar Bet Nik

Works great if you use it properly :-D

by default it stores in My Documents/Downloads/ folder. would be good if we had an option to set custom path..... so..for this... i give it 4 out of 5 stars..

avatar Soe Thiha

Useless at all

avatar Prvate Private

Doesn't follow image links to find biggest image, doesn't SAVE FILES to default directory or any directory. In short, THIS EXTENSION DOES NOT SAVE FILES.
Useless. Utterly useless.

avatar A Google User

Works very unreliably, rarely gets all images in a page and often times gets none at all

avatar 유평화

Searching is good, but downloading is not automatic. When I put the 'save' button, series of donwload windows pop up, and I click all of them. click, click, click, ............. T_T

avatar Alex Shepard

+ It works;
- long filtering ;
- "save entire page" hack;

avatar Kimberly Balduf

There are vastly simpler ways to do this, and this thing isn't one of them. Be prepared to fight the thing to make it do what you want.

avatar Theremin Lee

Works, and isn't nearly as cryptic as the "Geek" version. The only issue I have is that I have a volume of thumbnail images now in addition to the original image sizes. Is there some way to skip the thumbnails when downloading?

avatar biggusdictus

the choice of making every optional button as - jumping into view on hoverover - is very annoying

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