Always active Window - Always Visible Always active Window - Always Visible

Version: 0.3.0
Last Update: 2022-11-09

User Reviews

avatar Max

its work

avatar Agent_Tech

This helped so much. My languages teacher has a website and makes us lots of time on it. However it is really boring so I normally afk it. However, when I'm afking i can't do anything else on my computer while I'm afking because the website can detect if i have the tab open or not. With this chrome extension, it can no longer detect this and it thinks im on the website, even while I'm doing other things. Thank you!

avatar Dhruv Karmokar

Great thing, works like a charm.

avatar Andly Kwan

does what it does, which is amazing

avatar Giang Xuan

for now, it works with tiktok

avatar El Administrador

Era lo que buscaba! Gracias

avatar Gustavo Godoy

This simple doesnt work

avatar Brandon Duensing

Works great! I can finally watch training videos while going through emails again!

avatar WildTbag

Only extension i tested so far that really disables this annoying tab focus stalking. I expect this infantilism to be used on much more websites... good we have a guard here.
Check the extension i.e. on:

Edit: Unfortunately there is a huge CPU usage on browser restart which does not end... only when i disable this extension. Re-enable and surf triggers again the CPU massive usage. Too bad.

avatar Vasya Pryanichkin

It does its job, but at a costly price. Chrome eats 40% of my quad-core CPU with it even if I close all tabs and leave just one empty new tab. Very suspicious.

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