AutoControl: Keyboard shortcut, Mouse gesture AutoControl: Keyboard shortcut, Mouse gesture

Version: 2023.3.6
Last Update: 2023-03-06

User Reviews

avatar Emre Ç.

I hope you see this. I love the app, it makes everything super easy, and I loved especially the gui you created to create actions. I was thinking maybe you can create a spinoff from this app to create AutoHotkey scrips. There is something similar on the internet (ahkgen), but the way this extension captures user input is on another level. What I am saying is you should think about creating a webapp that creates AHK scripts from the input capturing of this app. Otherwise this is great:)



avatar YKH

THANKS, BUT It has no move top, move bottom.
When i have two screen with two browsers,
I focus on screen1 and move to screen 2, then I draw mouse gesture on screen2 , It affects on screen1!!!!!!

avatar J M

This is one of the most versatile and robust extensions ever. I am forever grateful for the owners' work on this! Has revolutionized the way I operate. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Even if you're not scripting, the basic features are so helpful. THANKS!

avatar Ben

Thank you so much for this wonderful extension.

avatar asdasdas asdas

still working thanks
still work...

avatar benjamin957957

This beats other competitors. Has exactly the features that I need: to disable the spacebar key for web players. Other extensions could only stop the the spacebar key from scrolling the page down, but not web players. I think it's because this extension has the native application. Thank you for making this extension. I have yet to learn all that it does. Looks like I can use it for many other things.

avatar Malcolm Smith

The only way I've found to disable Chrome's annoying middle click scroll feature. To do this, add an action mapping the middle button to Ctrl + Left Btn when the mouse is over a webpage. Screenshot:

avatar Jeff State

This extension seems like the one I've been searching for, but I'm not seeing the item that I need for a trigger. My first task is to hover over a link, and then press CTRL+C, in order to copy a link. This replaces the need for drilling down on the link with right-clicking.

From what I can see this would be a multistep trigger, but the hover condition isn't present in the list of available triggers.

Did that trigger get called by a different name? That's the only star that is missing from my review. Otherwise, it's a 5-star product, so I'll update if I find or am advised on that hover trigger being present.

avatar Mehul

It will be better if you change your extension's name and suffix it with [only windows os]

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