Bookmanize - Advanced bookmark manager Bookmanize - Advanced bookmark manager

Version: 1.6.10
Last Update: 2023-03-03

User Reviews

avatar wushang tian

能否弄个快捷键激活扩展弹窗呢?ctrl+shift+F 只是激活扩展弹出界面后才能聚焦到搜索输入框

avatar Alan Cooper

This is exactly what I wanted minimalistic but also powerful. I previously have had experience of using some popular bookmark managers with millions of ratings but this one is way better. I appreciate the developer's skills as being a developer myself I know how hard it is to make extension like this one.

avatar alaska Canyon

1- please allow add local address bookmark like : chrome:// file:// and ....
2- chrome native bookmark manager allow select range of bookmark
3- search in bookmark by date is killer feature
4- allow add bookmark by context menu for links

Great extension ?

avatar Mahmod Ashraf

best bookmark tagging ext. for me hands down , can you make it so that the all tags are on top instead of in a separate menu, and also make the option that tags appear all the time.
and thx for the great extension

avatar Алексей Шеянов

Great extension! I have a question. Can the extension sync tags? I installed it on two PCs under one account, imported the tag settings, but on the second PC, the tags did not appear in the bookmarks themselves.
tags are imported. I meant that on the second PC, the tags were not assigned to the bookmarks themselves.

avatar nocturnal digitalist

Good attempt but needs a lot of work to be considered for someone who has over 50,000 bookmarks (using chrome, brave, opera, edge, vivaldi). Favicons are missing all the time. The automatic opening of all folders when refreshed or opened for first time (through new tab) is painful. I close the folders and it opens all of them. I would like you to add bookmark counter of how many bookmarks I have (currently using another addon named "Über simple bookmark count" "" to do that but know after manifest V3, it will break down and my knowledge about bookmarks will be in dark. Also if you bring 2 features such as how many tabs are open in a window or windows of any browser and refreshing of bookmarks and their titles and sorting out (in another folder or place) that are dead, old, gone and removed from online world, it would be beneficial to use it even for other purposes. I hope you have got some ideas. I liked it but current issues are causing unhappiness. Also bookmark view can be changed or options for grid view can be considered like opera bookmarks has. Also you can learn about how vivaldi keeps and handles history and bookmarks. I hope your addon is firefox users too.

avatar Arseniy P

благо, расширение открылось на android chromium kiwi browser. но(!), отрезало часть экрана снизу. хз что там за панель и или рекламный блок должен был быть. но на стандартных сегодня 2:1+ соотношениях экрана выглядит будто десятилетний софт не адаптированный вообще..

надо потестить расширение в yandex browser. там тоже расширения есть, ну и поискать аналоги и потестить на пк. сама идея полезна, не нова и тд.

avatar 파멸의씨푸드

이 확장 프로그램을 설치하고 나서 유투브 시청기록에 이상한 동영상이 쌓이기 시작함. 이거 지우고 나서는 없어짐.
This extension is hacked. Since I've been installed it, some random videos pop up in my youtube history.

avatar David Lee


avatar 吸我精液

书签不能全选中,不能合并文件夹,至少比chrome 滞胀书签好

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