Collectly Collectly

Version: 0.2.10
Last Update: 2022-10-05

User Reviews

avatar KiT

This is a company whose "engineers" are "based out of Russia." Yet everything they represent online says NOTHING about this. We closed this account on behalf of our client 4 weeks ago and yet they still have access to our clients' protected health information. They give vague customer service style answers and when there is a real issue to troubleshoot, there were times where this agency just flat out did not get back to us..... Yet they are still accessing our clients' information regularly. I highly recommend NOT USING this company for collections!! As of this review (and 4-5 weeks of back and forth) this company is STILL accessing our clients' (and patients') information and telling us they have to "wait for their engineers to get back to them......FROM RUSSIA"...... They talk down to you when you have a legitimate issue and they do not take ownership of thier horrible practices. My staff has worked under HIPPA guidelines for 20 plus years and this agency straight up falsely cited HIPPA to us...... When asked to see Collectly HIPPA documentation on this, They ghosted us again.
We had to contact anther staff and they connected us to our original staff at collectly. It just seems so thrown together and unorganized that i'm wondering if they are even legit.......NOTE: Our staff and our clients' staff have been spending so much time trouble shooting this CLOSED ACCOUNT!! This has created such a wasteful back and forth for the last month plus!!! Do yourself and your clients' a huge favor and do NOT add this to your chrome!!! And if you do go with Collectly know this: Anytime you need support, you are going to have to wait at least three days for RUSSIA to get back to Collectly with a vague answer...... Absurd.... Truly costed (and continues to cost) way more than it is worth...

avatar Christopher Douglas

This is a company whose "engineers" are "based out of Russia." Yet everything they represent online says NOTHING about this. We closed this account on behalf of our client 4 weeks ago and yet they still have access to our clients' protected health information. They give vague customer service style answers and when there is a real issue to troubleshoot, there were times where this agency just flat out did not get back to us..... Yet they are still accessing our clients' information regularly. I highly recommend NOT USING this company for collections!! As of this review (and 4-5 weeks of back and forth) this company is STILL accessing our clients' (and patients') information and telling us they have to "wait for their engineers to get back to them......FROM RUSSIA"...... They talk down to you when you have a legitimate issue and they do not take ownership of thier horrible practices. My staff has worked under HIPPA guidelines for 20 plus years and this agency straight up falsely cited HIPPA to us...... When asked to see Collectly HIPPA documentation on this, They ghosted us again.
We had to contact anther staff and they connected us to our original staff at collectly. It just seems so thrown together and unorganized that i'm wondering if they are even legit.......NOTE: Our staff and our clients' staff have been spending so much time trouble shooting this CLOSED ACCOUNT!! This has created such a wasteful back and forth for the last month plus!!! Do yourself and your clients' a huge favor and do NOT add this to your chrome!!! And if you do go with Collectly know this: Anytime you need support, you are going to have to wait at least three days for RUSSIA to get back to Collectly with a vague answer...... Absurd.... Truly costed (and continues to cost) way more than it is worth...

avatar Christopher Douglas

This is a company whose "engineers" are "based out of Russia." Yet everything they represent online says NOTHING about this. We closed this account on behalf of our client 4 weeks ago and yet they still have access to our clients' protected health information. They give vague customer service style answers and when there is a real issue to troubleshoot, there were times where this agency just flat out did not get back to us..... Yet they are still accessing our clients' information regularly. I highly recommend NOT USING this company for collections!! As of this review (and 4-5 weeks of back and forth) this company is STILL accessing our clients' (and patients') information and telling us they have to "wait for their engineers to get back to them......FROM RUSSIA"...... They talk down to you when you have a legitimate issue and they do not take ownership of thier horrible practices. My staff has worked under HIPPA guidelines for 20 plus years and this agency straight up falsely cited HIPPA to us...... When asked to see Collectly HIPPA documentation on this, They ghosted us again.
We had to contact anther staff and they connected us to our original staff at collectly. It just seems so thrown together and unorganized that i'm wondering if they are even legit.......NOTE: Our staff and our clients' staff have been spending so much time trouble shooting this CLOSED ACCOUNT!! This has created such a wasteful back and forth for the last month plus!!! Do yourself and your clients' a huge favor and do NOT add this to your chrome!!! And if you do go with Collectly know this: Anytime you need support, you are going to have to wait at least three days for RUSSIA to get back to Collectly with a vague answer...... Absurd.... Truly costed (and continues to cost) way more than it is worth...

avatar Christopher Douglas

This is a company whose "engineers" are "based out of Russia." Yet everything they represent online says NOTHING about this. We closed this account on behalf of our client 4 weeks ago and yet they still have access to our clients' protected health information. They give vague customer service style answers and when there is a real issue to troubleshoot, there were times where this agency just flat out did not get back to us..... Yet they are still accessing our clients' information regularly. I highly recommend NOT USING this company for collections!! As of this review (and 4-5 weeks of back and forth) this company is STILL accessing our clients' (and patients') information and telling us they have to "wait for their engineers to get back to them......FROM RUSSIA"...... They talk down to you when you have a legitimate issue and they do not take ownership of thier horrible practices. My staff has worked under HIPPA guidelines for 20 plus years and this agency straight up falsely cited HIPPA to us...... When asked to see Collectly HIPPA documentation on this, They ghosted us again.
We had to contact anther staff and they connected us to our original staff at collectly. It just seems so thrown together and unorganized that i'm wondering if they are even legit.......NOTE: Our staff and our clients' staff have been spending so much time trouble shooting this CLOSED ACCOUNT!! This has created such a wasteful back and forth for the last month plus!!! Do yourself and your clients' a huge favor and do NOT add this to your chrome!!! And if you do go with Collectly know this: Anytime you need support, you are going to have to wait at least three days for RUSSIA to get back to Collectly with a vague answer...... Absurd.... Truly costed (and continues to cost) way more than it is worth...

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