Favikon Creator Favikon Creator

Social & Communication
Version: 2.1.3
Last Update: 2023-04-10

User Reviews

avatar Andrea Pietrobon

Bad. Not even half a second since I installed it, I went to linkedin but I had not yet logged in ... automatically he entered the data of an email saved in chrome and created the account. That email was not supposed to be used on linkedin. She also chose the pass so I can't delete my profile. Bad ext.

avatar Margot Daugieras

Enfin une extension utile ! Une analyse complète de ton profil en moins de 5 min pour te donner toutes tes stats. C'est super pratique pour les créateurs de contenus.

avatar Gaël Nerina

Je peux voir les forces et faiblesses de mon compte et savoir ce que je dois améliorer pour augmenter mes performances sur LinkedIn donc c'est top ! Et j'identifie facilement n'importe quel profil pour savoir qui prendre en exemple et ça c'est cool ?​

avatar Julien Delaby

La meilleure solution pour évaluer la qualité de son profil LinkedIn ! (ou bien ceux des autres ?)

avatar Aymeric Paillard

Super pratique pour analyser rapidement les performances d'un profil sur LinkedIn !

avatar Joni Shkurti


avatar Etienne Pillot


avatar Tridents 83

This extension is not working properly. Not showing any results.

avatar Alefiya Khorakiwala

When I click on the extension nothing happens. Can't access it.

avatar Andrea Pietrobon

Bad. Not even half a second since I installed it, I went to linkedin but I had not yet logged in ... automatically he entered the data of an email saved in chrome and created the account. That email was not supposed to be used on linkedin. She also chose the pass so I can't delete my profile. Bad ext.

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