Focused Browsing Focused Browsing

Version: 0.9.8
Last Update: 2021-09-23

User Reviews

avatar Nida Qasim Khan

In love with this product! Using it on my LinkedIn, Twitter, and Youtube and it's made an immense difference in my focus and clarity of mind when using these websites. ? Looking forward to having it on Facebook soon!

avatar Roshana Shahzad

Super useful for not getting caught up in Youtube's comments section or recommended videos!

avatar Raj Paul

I barely used Twitter or LinkedIN before getting into design. But after getting on to these platforms to grow my knowledge and connections I often find myself getting distracted by the feed and Focused Browsing helps me stay focused on the things that matter when I open the browser.

avatar Faraz Ahmad Khan

Super useful thing, thanks :)

avatar Avi Dave

Although I worked on Focused Browsing, I am delighted to see it working in production and making major upgrades from v0.9.0 and v0.91. Sometimes I forget I have the extension downloaded and yet whenever I catch myself on Twitter and LinkedIn, I am reminded to bring my focus back!!

avatar Ryan Persaud

Honestly a simple, yet super valuable tool and the fact that it is a free, open-sourced tool makes it an essential extension for any student or professional. Even more valuable during the times of covid, remote work and virtual classes.

avatar wasim Khan

Works perfectly, really helped me with Twitter. I had been waiting for such a plug-in. Thanks to the Grey team for providing a great extension.

avatar Zainab Qaiser

I had to reload once on LinkedIn to get the extension working, but on Twitter it worked straight away!

avatar ghaffar Bangash

Works perfectly on Twitter and LinkedIn!

avatar Arsala Bangash

Disclaimer: I've worked on Focused Browsing, but I was one of the target personas, and I'm super proud of the team for creating such a polished product.

I've been using News Feed Eradicator for the past few years, and I was on the lookout for a product that gave me more options in controlling my feedless experience. Focused Browing's keyboard shortcut is its most valuable feature, and I recommend users of NFE to try out the experience of focusing/unfocusing without leaving their tab as you have to in NFE.

I look forward to seeing how the product evolves, and I'm grateful to be a part of the team that gets to shape it.

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