IBM Aspera Connect IBM Aspera Connect

Version: 5.0.0
Last Update: 2022-11-16

User Reviews

avatar ЛьОля Васивна

I just don't get it. I followed the instructions, installed the extension, then installed the second part of software on my laptop. But it won't connect. It says "Get the latest version' and then it appears that the version downloaded from pop-up is not the latest. Ok, downloading and installing the latest one. Is it working? Nope. Starting the diagnostics and it won't even bother to finish. Never. Testing ports? Disabled all the time. Troubleshooting tips start with 'If you're using Windows' and ending right there. And if I'm using Ubuntu? No troubleshooting tips? It shouldn't take THAT much time to configure and set a working environment.

avatar Nhã Nd

It say unable to connect either I had reinstall all

avatar Indra K

I must install twice until succeed. every time i upload more than 1 file the next file always error. so i must upload manually one by one. it's completely useless.

avatar jam reid

Getty Images provide this as a must install to download paid/licensed media. How hard can it be? Well, it says to add extension, you click on it, and says "Error not Found". Repeat what appears to be a simple process and you spin your head and repeat the rinse cycle. This is ridiculous when things like WeTransfer, Dropbox or other direct download offerings are out there. This should be dummy proof.

avatar Chad Ajamian

Terrible app. Why do I need an extension to download a 20mb file.

avatar Xiao Yang


avatar Sham

This has only ever worked in IE11 for me. No support for Chrome above v80 - we're on 83 (also Edge Chromium). Firefox version support is also way behind - 73 vs current version 76.
From an enterprise-grade package used globally the update cadence is just lacklustre. Would never recommend this solution

avatar Epameinondas Soufleros

It only worked once.

avatar Will Simon

Honestly this is absurd that you have to use an extension with full browser access in order to utilize Aspera. What about dark sites? IBM has hurt Aspera Faspex, not helped...

avatar James Huffines

This "solution" simply does not work! Followed instructions ... run the software ... Launching IBM Aspera Connect... never ends ... FAIL ... Uninstall Reinstalled Try Fail Uninstall Reinstalled Try Fail ... repeat until insane ... good thing i do not have a deadline ... oh wait I DO and can't get data to my client ... going back to ftp ... old fashioned but works.

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