Incognito This Tab Incognito This Tab

Version: 0.6
Last Update: 2016-07-12

User Reviews

avatar Acer Aspire

С заявленными функциями справляется! Но,открывает ВСЕ окна во весь экран,а хотелось чтоб как исходное окно или чтоб настраивалось в самом расширении!

avatar A Google User

Moves links to incognito/sandbox mode without requiring unnecessary permissions in chrome.

(E.g. some competitors ask to read/modify data within websites, which seems a bit fishy.)


avatar Chang Charlie

This is just what I need!

avatar Tu be

Wow, this extension is really great! It works fantastic without any problems.

avatar つねぽこ


avatar Stefan Schulz

A really good extension, thank you!

avatar Judas

I thought it would open in a new tab and not in a new window in anonymous mode.

But, I liked. Made easy with just one click.

avatar Nyarlathotep

Название обещало закладку в своей песочнице - на деле открывается окно, что я могу и сам сделать.

avatar Trevor Beck

As a web developer and when sharing Google Apps documents, this is an essential extension. Personally, the reason I've chosen this extension is because it does NOT lose the original window when displaying it in the Incognito window.

avatar Matthew Eng

Incognito This Tab does exactly what it says it will; it makes the current tab into an incognito tab. In that regard, it's perfect. I however, find Incognito this Tab to be lacking in features. I migrated to Incognito This Tab from Incognito This when the dev decided to add a bunch of junk onto his extension to make money.

Some features that Incognito This has that Incognito This Tab doesn't have are:

1. Erasing the tab from your history when you switch the tab to incognito - Incognito This Tab does not do this which is probably the most essential part of why most people use incognito mode. Not having this feature really diminishes a lot of the extension's functionality and makes it significantly less useful.

2. Keyword Switching - Incognito This had an option where you could have a tab automatically open in incognito mode if it had a keyword that the user set in the URL.

3. Keyboard Shortcut - Incognito This allowed you to set a keyboard shortcut for switching a tab to incognito mode while Incognito This Tab does not.

4. Automatic Inactivity Close - This feature isn't really that important to me but to some it is. Basically what this did was automatically close any tabs that had been inactive for a user set amount of time.

These are just suggestions that I think the dev should add. You should definitely NOT switch over to Incognito This. At least you shouldn't until the Dev for Incognito This removes the adware from his extension. The tradeoff is by no means worth it in any way.

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