Incognito This Tab Incognito This Tab

Version: 0.6
Last Update: 2016-07-12

User Reviews

avatar Nikolai Alexander-Himlan

This extension does exactly what it needs to without requiring arbitrary permissions or trying to load in malware/adware like the *other* incognito extension. The only flaw is that there is no option to remove the context menu button.

avatar Danny Idryo

I use this extension a lot. As far as incognito in a new window vs new tab, I think that's a chrome issue - there is no way to have separate user profiles in the same window with a different tab; it's always in a new window. I'm not sure I would even want two separate profiles (user 1 vs user 2, or user 1 public vs private) in the same window. It would be too easy to make a mistake.

avatar gerry mcgregor

opens new window, does not work on 'this tab'

avatar Giovana Lemes


Recently I noticed unsolicited popups whenever visiting shopping sites. After a series of elimination rounds, I found that the culprit was this extension. Do NOT install.

avatar Gordon dela cruz

incognito button!

avatar seyi adebanjo

This is add ware. Does what it wants but i have add block for a reason.... (hint. the reason i so i don't have to see advertisements at all)

avatar Jason McCurdy

Original Incognito This! was much better

avatar Joe Shaw

Would be nice if it had a keyboard shortcut in addition to the menu entry.

It'd also be nice if pressing the button in incognito mode opened the tab in non-incognito mode.

avatar A Google User

This app seems to not have the Spyware added. Thank you.

avatar Matthew Du Puy

Does not remove the tab from "recently visited" or "recently closed' histories. This is useless.

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