Leetcode Enhancer Leetcode Enhancer

Version: 1.51
Last Update: 2023-04-14

User Reviews

avatar Orca



- Updated at 2021.06.23

⚠️ Cannot hide locked problems due to LeetCode new UI.

avatar Zehua Wang

Great extension. I noticed when Highlight Solved Problems is selected the bottom page bar disappears(the one you select rows per page and jump to next page), is this intended behavior?

avatar Chitransh Vishwakarma

The extension is awesome, I just wish I had the option to solve all the problems from the list as well.

avatar ً ً

Awesome, I just wish it had an option to remove solved problems from the list as well.

avatar Gautam Gupta

Great Extension! Can you please add the feature to hide profile photo of users in discuss section and also disable the ability to go on their profile when we click on their username? It will really increase productivity and reduce waste of time.

avatar Arscene . R

I think the extension is perfect aside from the fact that it doesn't hide difficulty in contests. It'd be complete if it had such a feature.

avatar free content

yes you did it well pls can you make it little fast.
bcz it will hide tags after complete loading is doen before which it is clearly visible that it is of which tag. And after that their is no use of that.
And thankyou in advance

avatar Saarthak Khandelwal

Loved the extension. An issue with the extension is if i hide the total number of problems solved and then reload the site or go back to the problems-list page, it shows up again and i have to check uncheck the box again. Hopefully this gets fixed too.

love the app, cheers ?

avatar Mr. Twinkle Sharma

Every time I am using the default sorting feature of leetcode, Your extension is removing some set of table rows(questions) from the table(list).
Please check the issue and if possible try to improve that.

Ever since I have figured out this bug, I do not tend to use default features of leetcode to avoid the undesired removal of questions.

avatar Saarthak Khandelwal

Has stopped working for me. When i have the hide difficulty option enabled, it is also hiding the problem statement and that entire section :(.

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