Lever Hire Extension Lever Hire Extension

Version: 2.18.0
Last Update: 2022-10-12

User Reviews

avatar Marie-Aline Millot

Doesn't work. This is a shame, because that break a lot our hiring sourcing and process. Please do something to solve this issue.

avatar Роман Кушнарьов

It works here but then - not. Quite unstable. It works in regular LinkedIn but stopeed opening in Recruiter Lite.

avatar Vasily Starostenko

LinkedIn import does not work - can you please fix?

avatar John Pena

Doesn't work with LinkedIn - can't actually scrape data out of the page. Thanks for nothing.

avatar Shawn Goertzen

Extension seems ok, except that it broke hotkeys in Gmail. It seems to inject a hidden text box that is capturing hotkey inputs instead of letting gmail handle them. Uninstall the extension fixed the issue immediately.

I'm confused why this even needs to inject anything into Gmail.

avatar Gabriel Franzoni

Lever team, please add automatically copy-and-paste name and URL from linkedIn!!!!!!

avatar Bruce Ackerman

Really needs to be more automated like gem.com ATS. Grab the name, URL, etc from the website.

avatar Rich Moss

Completely worthless to a recruiter. It does not auto parse profiles from LinkedIn. Crelate and other ATS do this. Not Lever I guess.

avatar James Bugden

Doesn't work

avatar Alex Plugaru

Can you at least open-source this extension so we can fix it? It's completely useless at the moment. Impossible to create an account from linkedin.

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