Listly - Free Data Scraper, Extractor Listly - Free Data Scraper, Extractor

Version: 0.3.1
Last Update: 2022-09-07


Listly - Free Data Scraper, Extractor is a Chrome extension developed by According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Listly - Free Data Scraper, Extractor is 0.3.1, updated on 2022-09-07.
90,000+ users have installed this extension. 66 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website:

Web pages into Excel data in seconds.

Data collection doesn't need to be hard. We make it easy.

Convert any website to Excel in just a few clicks. Speed up your data collection and put your time and effort into what really matters to you.

With 100,000+ installs and more than 5.7M URL downloads globally, Listly is the easiest tool to use and the preferred web scraping service among marketers and real estate agents who want to get their job done faster.

See more features at

Listly use cases

• Look for suitable job candidates as a recruiter
• Complete prospecting workflows as a sales representative
• Collect product and pricing information from eCommerce websites as a marketer
• Gather sports data to predict the outcome of sports games as a sports statistician
• Generate new leads for companies and freelancers
• Analyze social media posts, comments, likes, etc.
• Track real estate prices and listing information
• Identify potential competitors and monitor markets
• Scrape movie reviews and ratings
• Crawl various search engine results

Listly’s core features

• Export data to Excel or CSV/JSON
• Integrate with Google Sheets
• Schedule a daily extraction
• Receive e-mail notifications
• Integrate with an API for developers (Beta)
• Export multiple pages into an Excel spreadsheet
• Upload .html files via Fileboard
• Automate repetitive mouse or keyboard clicks to load more data
• Auto-Click to load more data
• Auto-Scroll to load more data
• Auto-Save while scrolling
• Add a custom proxy server to change IP address and avoid getting blocked
• Adjust the scraping speed to avoid getting blocked while scraping websites
• Automatically detect and extract iFrame elements
• Extract hyperlinks in content referring to web pages within a website


66 ratings

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Current Version








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avatar coffee Phillips

韓国のエンジニアがそのようなソフトウェアを開発できるのは驚くべきことですが、少し複雑なWebページでは正しく機能しません [Error] select another element とてもイライラする

avatar atlas Franklin

Easy to start! But no idea how to do deep scraping. Any tutorial or documentation to refer to?

avatar Armen Perry

nothing happened when clicking WHOLE or PART button...

avatar Álvaro Dias Agostini

Excellent, it really works!

avatar 김태윤

크롤링이라는 기능과 listly라는 프로그램을 처음 알게된 대학생입니다! 자료조사시 며칠 밤새는거에 벗어나게 해주셔서 정말 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ
다만 노션의 사용설명서에서 나온 "대표 기능 한눈에 보기"의 기능들은 무료로 사용할 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다. listly의 대표 기능으로 설명되는 부분이 유료이면 초반 사용자들을 많이 끌어오긴 힘들거같습니다 ㅠㅠ (로그인을 하지 않으면 현재 무료사용자 기능보다 축소or현행의 정도이나, 로그인을 하면 대표 기능이 풀리는 대신 월 몇개 URL을 사용할수 있다던지 하는 방식도 좋을것같네요!)
추가적으로 대학생 할인이 있으면 listly의 사용자들이 훨씬 더 많아질것으로 보입니다. 학생 때 유용하게 사용했던 프로그램이면 현업에서도 사내 라이센스 구매 건의를 통해 훨씬 많은 사람들이 사용할수 있을거같기 때문입니다!