MyMeta - Customized Metacritic averages. MyMeta - Customized Metacritic averages.

Version: 1.0
Last Update: 2014-12-21

User Reviews

avatar Benny Jones

Great concept, but not very useful if you can't specify the authors of the reviews. I only like particular reviewers, and it doesn't really matter which site they come from, I only trust these writers. If you could add functionality to recognize authors, it'd be a 5/5.

avatar Benny Jones

Great concept, but not very useful if you can't specify the authors of the reviews. I only like particular reviewers, and it doesn't really matter which site they come from, I only trust these writers. If you could add functionality to recognize authors, it'd be a 5/5.

avatar Benny Jones

Great concept, but not very useful if you can't specify the authors of the reviews. I only like particular reviewers, and it doesn't really matter which site they come from, I only trust these writers. If you could add functionality to recognize authors, it'd be a 5/5.

avatar Benny Jones

Great concept, but not very useful if you can't specify the authors of the reviews. I only like particular reviewers, and it doesn't really matter which site they come from, I only trust these writers. If you could add functionality to recognize authors, it'd be a 5/5.

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