one sec ⏳ delay & 🛑 block websites to focus one sec ⏳ delay & 🛑 block websites to focus

Version: 0.4
Last Update: 2023-04-03

User Reviews

avatar Omar Abreu

Super helpful

avatar Yasmine Siagian

Definitely helps me be more mindful about browsing! The phone app is great and this browser extension works in the same way. One wish I have (for both app and extension): it would be great to have the ability to block "categories" of websites (shopping, gaming, social, etc.) instead of needing to individually block each site as you come across it.

avatar Aditya Bhagat

one extension that should be used by everyone. even if you open a website after the intervention, you know that you're in command and that you have control over what you're doing.

avatar Javed Sidiqi

Ah, I dont know from where to Start, One of the best app for a person who is so addicted to youtube and wasting time surfing . it is just so amazing, every time i go to youtube or facebook... instead of wasting hours i take a Deep breath and Thank this App :P

Thank you for such a great application ...

avatar Carlos

Absolutely amazing. We all know time-limiting approaches like Screen Time on iPhone or Stayfocusd are mostly worthless. I use one sec now on my iPhone and on Chrome. This app forces you out of automatic thinking - and let's you see how addicted you really are, and to make decisions on your own. Life changing truly. Thank you one sec team.

avatar Sarah Dugas

I use this on both iPhone and Chrome. What really sets one sec apart is that it doesn't block apps/websites altogether, just gives you enough time to think about if it's really where you want to be. When I've used blockers, I get frustrated and delete them. Having 20 seconds to check in with myself and decide is a game-changer. I have mine set to 20 seconds, and I usually get bored of waiting 5-10 seconds in :) And if I do actually need to get information or want to kill time before an appointment, the wait is worth it.

The app/extension is fantastic for people like me with ADHD and impulse control. I've been recommending it to all my friends.

avatar Jurijs Kovzels

Just installed, but this extension is just what I was looking for. Most of the procrastination starts with a bad impulse. This extension should negate that impulse.

avatar Mariano Montiel

One BIG issue i'm encountering is that when clicking on a youtube video it starts playing while the one second screen pops up and its quite annoying. otherwise its great!

avatar Abhishek Bhatia

It doesn't sync with the iphone app. Or aggregate the stats.

Would be nice to have that. But does what it says.

avatar hoxha hoxha

how to apply to all websites?

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