one sec โณ delay & ๐Ÿ›‘ block websites to focus one sec โณ delay & ๐Ÿ›‘ block websites to focus

Version: 0.4
Last Update: 2023-04-03

User Reviews

avatar Christian

The iOS app is the best intervention app available and I'm very happy to pay for it. I agree with some of the other reviewers though that this browser extension is very simple and not as useful in comparison. Particularly, I'd like the extension to support to use the "Fade to Black" animation, the slider just doesn't work for me because it encourages me to wait for the animation to complete since I can see how much time is left before the intervention finishes (simple yet very effective boost to intervention success for me). That said, I didn't pay anything for this extension, so it feels wrong to rate it less than 5 stars since it does what it says it does and mostly works just fine. However, I do hope the author addresses some of this feedback and improves the extension to meet the bar of the app.

avatar Da schi

A must have browser extension!

avatar Pavini Sharma

the best thing i could find ever

avatar Khรกnh Nguyแป…n

Just an amazing app. No question!

avatar Michael Shube

Best phone/computer use reduction app I've used. Instead of a HARD STOP when trying to access an app or a website, it has me take a breath. If I still want to use the app or website, then it asks me to write an intention for my use. I find it just as effective (or more so) than other apps, and much more reflective and mindfulness building.

avatar Adeline Saint Louis (Addy)

I just started using this app recently and it is awesome!!!!

avatar M Som

The iOS version is so good, but the browser extension is just too simple. Can't even configure to not be active, every time you open a new tab or switch back to one it starts over again.

Extremely annoying, you have to delete the extension and put it back if you want to research something on youtube for example

avatar Jeff Benzos


avatar Schuyler Brock

I love this extension! I use it on my phone as well, and it makes a huge difference. I am an avid googler, and spend way too much time searching things while I'm at work (thank you, ADHD!). Not always are those things useful, so having to take a deep breath before searching for something helps to ground me and make sure I actually want to do what I'm about to do rather than acting on an impulse. Awesome app and extension! The few seconds it takes has saved me hundreds of hours of my life so far!

avatar Farhad Hussain

This extension really works very well and smoothly in chrome. I mindlessly go to those websites which are time waster. I'm really grateful for this extension.

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