Startup Tracker Startup Tracker

Version: 1.9.2
Last Update: 2022-08-03


Startup Tracker is a Chrome extension developed by Sasthamaal. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Startup Tracker is 1.9.2, updated on 2022-08-03.
239 users have installed this extension. 29 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
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Get insights into startups, their valuations, funding rounds, news and important contacts to enhance your job search experience.

Get insights on startup's linkedin page directly. Just click on the extension from the linkedin page to get the insights, or search for startups from the extension.

Search for startups and get to know about its growth through the valuation and funding info. Get to know latest news and important contacts useful for your job search on one click.

"Which are the hot startups to join now ?"

The answer to this comes in 2 parts:
a) What factors ?
Company growth can be evaluated in terms of revenue/profits, valuation, career growth, equity offered to employees, esop buybacks, IPO Launch dates etc. Some great examples are:
- If a company is a profitable pre-IPO
- If company valuation increased N times from Jul 2020 to Apr 2021
- If the company offers great equity and company is going IPO soon or offering frequent buyback programs.

b) When ?
Once you shortlist your favorite startups based on the above criteria, it then depends if you want to join pre-seed or Series -X startup or the one which is going IPO in the next Y years so you can exit soon with the cash.

We have made all these data points available in this chrome extension to simplify your job search.


29 ratings

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avatar Urvee Gupta

very helpful!

avatar Prasanth G

Very well built. Kudos!

Loved a lot of things: valuation vs funding graph, recent news, relevant contacts.

Would love to see company links added, where available. Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Github, Blogs, Tech blogs!(would specifically be interested in these as an engineer looking to join them), App Store Listings, etc.

avatar keshav dhande

overall the extension is very useful for job seekers but I think some improvement can be done in this :

1) when I click on LinkedIn link it will take me to selected company profile in LinkedIn but I think that have to take me to job section of selected company.

2)when i shitch to another tab in chrome then extension disappear i think that have to be remain same

avatar Rishabh Pincha

Thanks for creating such a wonderful web extension.

Below are the three things I really liked.

A) Displaying funding and valuation in one graph. It makes it easier to go through the graph.

B) Suggesting contacts to whom one can reach out to know more about the openings and day to day work life balance

C) Detecting companies of it's own by simply visiting the LinkedIn page.

Below are three things I would have differently

A) Giving valuation scale on the right and the funding scale on the left it will make it easier to read the graph.

B) On changing tabs I lost the previous information hence building something around it so that I can continue to swipe tabs without losing any data.

C) Including more company news making it scrollable just like the contacts and adding on more relevant contacts and allowing the filter option in contacts.

avatar Perpetua Namso

It's an excellent extension for job seekers looking to get into start ups! good one!