Table Capture Table Capture

Version: 10.0.38
Last Update: 2023-04-17


460 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar Douglas Lee

Incredible product that does exactly what it says it will do. I had a 600+ row table of data I wanted to analyze that was on multiple pages and the thought of fiddling around with it to try to capture the information was not pleasant. I wondered if there were something that could help me and happened onto George's product. It worked perfectly and the pleasant surprise was that George's support was even better. I heartily recommend this product to anyone trying to use internet data that is uncooperative. Great product and even greater support!

avatar Kevin Grillmaster

Holy crummo. I was able to replace paying a data entry guy $300 a month with this AMAZING extension.

I had particular data I needed from a particular website and must have tried out 10 or 15 different scraping tools.

This one, TableCapture, is the BEST of the bunch. I'm 4 real saying this one of the best extensions I've ever used, so very handy.

avatar Richard Logronio

I love it. This app is great. The customer support is beyond excellent. Thanks George Mike.

avatar William Harris

Made it happy when Copytables couldn't figure out the div soup!

Save me a ton of time writting a script to get some info out of a table!. Really slick!

avatar 邓志杰


avatar K Le

This dude is a genius

avatar Transverse Slice

This is a fantastic extension. Works exactly as advertised. If you have any need to manually scrape data off webpages into a spreadsheet or CSV, this will save you a lot of time and effort. The annual $12 price tag is well worth it even if you use it just a few times in a year - think about the number of hours (and consternation) this is going to save you and apply even minimum wage to that.

This is exemplifies the starry eyed promise of software - productivity enhancement!

avatar Tosin Amuda

This extension is a productivity hack for copying Div tables to spreadsheet.

It literally saved me hours of manual work.

George was also kind enough to show me advanced Javascript recipe feature for more hacks.

avatar Martin Mitka

I spent 3 hours to look for possibility to download the table content and this little thing would me these 3 hours save, if I found it earlier. Brilliant work mate!

avatar Adam Gilbert

This tool deosen't work for me in chrome windows 10

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