Wrike ToDo list Wrike ToDo list

Version: 1.0.21
Last Update: 2023-03-21

User Reviews

avatar Karen Savage

This is a powerful program. They've apparently fixed the complaints above because I don't have a problem creating tasks for specific projects. But it's annoying how it shows up when you create a new tab in Chrome. That is my biggest complaint. If it's just me not knowing how to set it up, then it's way more complicated than it needs to be to do.

avatar Stephanie Castilla

I love the visual design of this, but I really wish I could create additional widgets to display tasks from any space, project, or folder. How amazing would it be to open this each day and see what I already have planned along with any extra to dos I need to add? Please consider updating this to include additional task lists! :)

avatar Jordan Richardson

This is not useful for business use, I create all tasks inside of my teams space. Why can't you choose where tasks are created?

avatar Jonathan Evans

Great work Wrike Team! I would love a mobile version of this. A simple app to intake quick task that behind the scenes can use the power of wrike.

avatar Elzhan

Вещь полезная, НО...
Сделайте, чтоб можно было отказаться от изменения "новой вкладки" в Хроме, не отключая этот AddOn. Сейчас я не могу пользоваться им, так как мне нужна моя собственная настройка "новой вкладки".

avatar Mario Veras

I was hoping this would tie in to the existing To-Do list in Wrike, but I was disappointed to find out it creates a separate To-Do folder in Wrike. Not sure why I need another to-do list when Wrike already has one. This can potentially create fragmentation of work and two places to check for to-do items instead of one. Doesn't make sense to me.

avatar Irmgard Rudaur

При регистрации нужно указывать телефонный номер. Серьезно? А скан паспорта и отпечатки пальцев не требуются?

avatar Eric Fang

i can not login in cn with vpn, why?

avatar Борис А

Идея интересная и, наверное, полезная, но русскоязычная заметка в Chrome выглядит, как пустая (во Wrike отображается корректно).
Пока так...

avatar Stefan Krebs

I don't understand
- why the ToDo list is available as a "new tab" function only - it blocks my personal "new tab" settings
- why this chrome extension like to get so much rights (on default):
"Allows this extension to read and modify all my data on websites I visit:"
"Allow on all websites"

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