Wrike ToDo list Wrike ToDo list

Version: 1.0.21
Last Update: 2023-03-21

User Reviews

avatar Maxim Dimov

The best todo solution ever! Cool backgrounds and smooth motions. I like it.

avatar Kelly Hanson

This is a cool addition to the Wrike service. I'm interested to see how useful it really ends up being. It would be cool if I could specify what folder it uses rather than just the account, but that's not a deal-breaker for me.

avatar Kyle Smith

Love Wrike. I'm sure this extension will be great! Seems solid.

avatar Heiko B

It is a useful add-on to create and manage your own tasks and have a quick overview.

avatar Sara O'Brien

Changed my to-do lists forever. Always accessible, simple to jot down a note and have it in wrike instead of in a notebook or email. A to do list that works where you are.

avatar Christina Anstett

This is a cool addition to wrike. I am a big fan of the ease of the extension.

avatar Cherie Ann

Fastest way to make a wrike task and see incoming messages!

avatar Jan Kovačič

Usefull addon. Now I dont need to use different apps for to dos. I get them quickly and easily.

avatar Ashley Almasy

I haven't used it too much so far but this is an amazing way to keep my tasks for today organized. I used to use a post-it, but now its right in my browser and won't get lost!

avatar Sergio Pessoa

Me encantaría poder ordenar y colorear para priorizar las tareas.

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