YouTube Time YouTube Time

Version: 1.4.5
Last Update: 2020-11-30

User Reviews

avatar jan

I like the extension,it works well in general. However, the override function does not work in playlists including "watch later". After clicking overwrite, you get blocked again immedialtelely.

avatar Toki Susu

I love the concept of a youtube timer and I think your extension is made very well. However, I've noticed that even when I'm not using youtube it still takes time off; even after I start. I've also noticed that sometimes when I'm in a different tab and the timer is done, that it tells me it's done in the tab that isn't Youtube.

avatar Urban Beaver

Would it be ok if you could add a generic timer to count how many hours, minutes, seconds you visit and browsing Youtube content in a day? For example a timer that says "Today up until now you spent "hours,minutes,seconds" on Youtube. And maybe have like a log of previous times up to say like three days before. Thank you

avatar Kip

Works great, but i wish there was a way to set a certain time frame, after which the limit will turn back on.
I often find myself not using up all the time after the reset point so it gets left over for the next day, which i don't want.

avatar Scott Franz

The override function rarely, if ever works. Standard function works well enough.

avatar Ian Geraldi Cordeiro

When I pause youtube the timer doesn´t pause. If this is fixed I´ll change it to a 5.

avatar Samay Chandak

Thank You Man for this!!
It is really easy to use and effective!!
Thanks Again!!

avatar shreyas datla

awesome in almost every way it works well and all but can you allow the time to be changed more easily because when i have free time i watch some youtube but theres less time left from watching school videos

avatar Bunsen The Burner

Thank you sooo much!

avatar Starmiinor

It works. Most of the time, the override feature does not work well at all with playlists. Often times you override and it blocks you out again, making you override all over again until you have zero override attempts left and you still don't get to see the video.

You could also extend the timer by changing the amount of allotted time per day, and re-entering the value for override attempts give you back your original amount regardless if you ran out or not. Just some ways I've found that bypasses the timer.

If the extension could track the time spent on Youtube overall (+ # of override attempts), that'd be cool.

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