Zen Mind: Meditate - Relax - Wallpapers Zen Mind: Meditate - Relax - Wallpapers

Version: 1.2.5
Last Update: 2021-03-15


Zen Mind: Meditate - Relax - Wallpapers is a Chrome extension developed by zenmind. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Zen Mind: Meditate - Relax - Wallpapers is 1.2.5, updated on 2021-03-15.
0 users have installed this extension. 83 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

The best meditation and relax new tab in Chrome

By clicking "Add to chrome", I accept and agree to installing Zen Mind and also accept the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Zen mind changes your default search settings to: https://www.bing.com.

Terms of Service: http://www.zenmindnewtab.com/termsofservice
Privacy Policy: https://www.zenmindnewtab.com/privacy
About us: http://www.zenmindnewtab.com/aboutus

The best meditation and relax new tab in Chrome Zen Mind is the best meditation and relax new tab in Chrome! We aimed to provide our users with the best methods of meditation and relaxation while using their browser for long hours. Meditation is essential to feel well and live a happy life. Meditation can help you to eliminate negative thoughts, worries, anxiety, all factors that can prevent us from feeling happy. The practice of meditation will mitigate the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Furthermore, we realize that 21st century jobs require lots of time in front of the monitor and people often ignore their natural body needs. Therefore, we believe that by creating this all in one meditation and relaxation extension we will help you feel better.
Except the meditation mode, we have also included a focus mode where you can focus on preset tasks and set a timer for it. You also get the option to set up time for relax and time to work so you can increase your productivity. We have included the most customizable meditation mode – sound, live wallpapers and you can practice proper breathing. Our extension will also help you sit the right way by reminding you to sit straight. Furthermore, we have fruit and water reminders, so you stay hydrated and maintain the needed level of vitamins and minerals. Overall, our extension will increase your productivity and make you feel better.

Key Features:
- Focus mode - select your tasks and focus on them
- You can setup time for relax and time for work
- You can add reminder for getting up, not looking at the screen so you can relax
Customizable Meditation mode – select sound (nature, fire, birds and many others) and practice proper breathing
- Posture reminder – so you sit the right way
- Fruit reminder – so you get all your vitamins needed
- Water reminder – so you stay hydrated even when you are busy
- Many live nature wallpapers to choose from

Permissions Zen Mind requires a certain amount of permissions so you can enjoy its full potential. For security reasons we use the narrowest permissions available to still provide you the full functionality. For a more in depth overview why we need these permissions you can also check our privacy policy linked in the chrome webstore.

These permissions are:

„storage“ - to save Settings
„alarms“ - to calculate the time needed until showing notifications


83 ratings

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Current Version










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avatar Jeff Glass

Sneaky app. The front of the app looks great, but behind the scenes they collect information for advertisements.

The terms of service state:

During use of the website or extension, you may enter into correspondence with or participate in promotions of advertisers or sponsors showing their goods or services through the Website or Extension.

If you value privacy and safety when browsing, I cannot recommend this app; unfortunately.

avatar R Tse

Edit: I now lower the stars from 5 to 1 after I realize this extension forces all my web search to go through its server before going to google.
Upon inspection, it enforces "Change your search settings to: search.zenmindnewtab.com"
This is a sneaky way to violate people's privacy by silently collecting all their search history, and it is not optional, no informed consent from users. Terrible.
Original review:
This extension has everything I need to stay productive and relaxed during work. Bravo.
- customizable meditation time -- sometimes I just want to do a quick 1-2min mediation.
- add a pause/play button for "sounds" so that all the sounds can be paused/played together at once.

avatar Adithyan K A

I accidentally deleted it...After i searched for a month i got this back...Sooo...happyyy.......The best thing is it's totally free unlike nimbusmind

avatar Goodstuff V2

Best extension ever, I love this beautiful Wallpapers. I totally recommend you download this extension

avatar bd game

i think this site is safe and easy to use and manageable!!!!!! love it.. really good