Bell of Mindfulness Bell of Mindfulness

Version: 1.2.3
Last Update: 2015-04-23

User Reviews

avatar Tuấn Hoàng Lê

Vô cùng hữu ích. Xin cảm ơn rất nhiều.
Mỗi lần nghe chuông mình dừng lại. Sau 1 buổi làm việc ko còn mệt và căng thẳng như trước nữa.
Nếu có thêm lựa chọn thời điểm cho tiếng chuông đầu tiên thì tốt quá.

avatar Colette Johnson

I love this! It has a nice sound and is easy to use, but I also agree with others that the first tone is a bit harsh (could it be quieter, perhaps?), and it would be better if the app didn't sound when the browser opens.

avatar Nick Keller

It would be great, but setting the volume to 0 doesn't work, nor does setting the number of bells to zero. The notification is enough for me; I would very much not want to hear it. At the moment the only thing you can do is mute chrome entirely, which is not desirable. If this were fixed it would be perfect.

avatar Chetan Vaddoriya Ebizz

Good Reminder for breathing

avatar Ana R

Estar sentada frente a la computadora en piloto automático y de repente escuchar la hermosa campana o gong y hacer un alto, reconectarte y respirar! es una hermosa aplicación

avatar Laura Bagnall

I have tried so many extensions to help me keep focus and this one is the best. It is so simple yet so powerful.

avatar A Google User

I love the Bell of Mindfulness, it helps stay present when your day gets crazy. I stop and breath and give thanks. I can even hear it when in another room doing tasks. I stop and focus on my breathing and stay grounded. Please ask what it is and I tell them and suggest they add to their apps, its the best :)
Makes my work days feel less stress and grounded.
Gilakas'la (Thank You)

avatar Courtenay Sands

I love this. As an avid student, it can get difficult to focus during the day, and this bell is the perfect thing to help me relax and become more productive.

avatar Nam Nguyễn


avatar sourabh sharma

Good for Aanapana Meditators..

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