Domain Whitelist Domain Whitelist

Version: 1.1.6
Last Update: 2017-07-25


Domain Whitelist is a Chrome extension developed by Peta Sittek. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Domain Whitelist is 1.1.6, updated on 2017-07-25.
1,000+ users have installed this extension. 19 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Ultimate blocker which says no to every network packet until you explicitly allow it.

By default Domain Whitelist blocks everything. Everything. It's up to you to build your very customized whitelist of domains you trust. Everything else is blocked and well kept out of your browser.

It's like AdBlock the other way around, completely.

🚀 Hide ads
⭐️ by blocking advertisement domains you're free of the most of those pervasive ads

🚀 Avoid tracking
⭐️ by blocking tracking domains you're protected from services which acquire information about your browsing behaviour

🚀 Load pages faster
⭐️ by blocking unnecessary domains (requests) you save a lot of traffic and make pages loading faster!

🚀 Fight procrastination
⭐️ just add to the blocklist and... do more!

🚀 Permissions explained
⭐️ "Read and change all your data on the websites you visit": to be able to intercept HTTP request before they leave your browser

Completely free and with no ads

Made with ♥ by Peta Sittek


19 ratings

Total Installs



Last Update


Current Version





Peta Sittek





Latest Reviews

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avatar Sebastian Toro

Excellent extension!

avatar D Mvra

It works well when it works, but it can require some trial and error to whitelist certain sites. For example, adding "" to the whitelist will not whitelist youtube; instead, you have to whitelist Comparing the blocked requests list against the whitelist can help to determine what to change.

avatar Paweł Chojnacki

This is the best thing that happened to me since deleting social media accounts. This extensions saves me so many minutes every day :) I stopped web browsing altogether. Now I just use internet to check mail, work related stuff and some shopping :).

avatar Ray J

Excellent extension. It's a domain based firewall for Chrome. I'd much rather white-list allowed sites than go to one website which tries to connect to 10 others. It does need some other updates to make it perfect.

- Temp allow website for X minutes.
- Allow option to add site, select options etc inside of Chrome, when the page is blocked.
- Allow searching through any and all lists (white-list, allowed, blocked)
- Clear only white-list or blocked, right now it clears only both.

Excellent work! It's in my must haves

avatar Will Chan

Very nice GUI. The deal breaker is that the whitelist is not sync to other device. I still use it to collect visited domains and use it on other whitelist extentsion.

Hope the developer can add whitelist sync function to it. It will be a 5 star ext. easy. Also add password protection to setting.