Intention - Stop Mindless Browsing Intention - Stop Mindless Browsing

Version: 1.4.3
Last Update: 2021-02-10

User Reviews

avatar trashtalkingcashmoney yo

This extension has helped me stop watching tons and tons of youtube videos. Helps me focus and helps me focus on what really matters.

avatar Chí Hiếu Vũ

Simple yet effective. Would be great if there were more customization, may be it can show a quote I write to myself every time I hit unlock, or something that make unlocking sites harder.

avatar Nicky

amazing !!

avatar Tushar Kewlani

I have used some other blockers in the past but I always stopped using them as they interfered too much with my work. the features in this extension are very well thought out. It has made a massive difference to my mindless browsing, I am finding a lot more focus time in the day now.

avatar Jorge Reyes Bendeck

Great tool.

avatar Ahmad Eldefrawy

I love it. I would love to see a cloud Sync as I use multiple devices and I would pay a subscription for it.

avatar Nathaniel Mitchell

Very good

avatar Fabricio Gomes

Most blockers are too restrictive and when I end up needing a site like YouTube or Reddit for something productive, I disable the extension and end up mindlessly surfing which is what I'm trying to avoid.

avatar Jigar Amin

Amazing extension! I am shocked to realise how often I go to amazon, reddit etc during my day. Intention has helped me be more intentional (haha) about how and why I use these services. While I still use the sites, I am often taking a moment to think about why I need to access a distracting site and how long I will need to complete that specific activity.

avatar Giulia Messina

Perfect tool to improve your concentration during working/study time but also in life in general! Thank you for this product

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