MultiHighlighter MultiHighlighter

Last Update: 2014-12-02

User Reviews

avatar Arkadiy Polyudov

Не работает

avatar Freddy

Es una muy buena herramientá para buscar palabras en diferentes páginas, pero el problema es que no funciona bien cuando se usa para buscar varias palabras en Excel de Google Docs, no encuentra las palabras que se agregan en la hoja, en contraste con el buscador normal de Ctrl-f, que aunque sólo busca una palabra a la vez, la encuentra en la hoja de Excel con facilidad.

avatar Mike Savad

this thing is stupid. i'm trying to highlight terms on the page. and it does that. but if you have an open box of keywords - it erases the word as it finds it. its gone, just gone. its like it turned it into a find and replace, its not white, its just missing now. i think this is what i wanted in a program if it just highlighted things. but to make it vanish too? that's stupid. i don't get that.

avatar FamKis

I'd recommend the less polished looking, but having tons more functionality addon SearchBar instead.

Enjoy -- you can thank me later.

avatar Olha Horlova

didn't work for me

avatar Рост Лёгкий

Не хватает перемещения по найденным совпадениям слов, и чтоб через сочетания клавиш искало, и чтоб в память запоминало два три слова!..
Не совсем такое тут с этим подходит, буду искать дальше - другие расширения... Посоветуйте кто-что знает!

avatar Вадим Агностик

Не работает.

avatar Marc Maffei

shortcuts were not working, tried everything - finally shortcut worked one time, but could only search one term. Useless :(

avatar Abel Gonzalez

I love this tool, very simple and a must for every serious researchers out there looking to save time finding content with having to read the whole texts. Keep up the great work! ^_^

avatar J C

Great Chome Extension!

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