Raindrop.io Raindrop.io

Version: 5.5.25
Last Update: 2023-04-21


564 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar Shawn Park

I love the new feature where if I already have something saved in Raindrop.io, there will now be a blue checkmark on the extension icon to let me know this. Love this feature!

avatar Dylan Julian

At first, I'd give it 4 stars. However, with a new update the developers removed the ability to have a pop-up where you could search within your saved bookmarks. Now, you have to open up the app in a new tab, and then search from within the tab rather than a popup. Its quite a hassle this way.

EDIT 1: Have the developers changed the default behavior when clicking on the icon? Usually, it would open a general popup in which all of my bookmarks were visible and I could easily search my bookmarks. However, now it opens a specific popup window: 'new', and this popup is asking me whether I want to save the current page as a bookmark.
I have two questions. 1) Can you please change that back? 2) If not, would you add an option to change the default popup, with one of them of changing the old popup menu back?
SOLVED: the founder of Raindrop (Rustem Mussabekov) emailed and replied to this feedback with the solution. Clearly the devs are supportive and friendly. Thanks!

avatar Fujita mobile

All-in-one bookmark manager 無料でも利用できる美しいブックマークサービス
Proアカウントの料金。年間¥4,148 yearly (auto-renewal)

avatar Alice Constantine

It used to be good, until they remove the option for pop-up.

avatar Boogiepop

Best bookmark manager out there! ❤️? I wish it would let me create individual notes (not bookmarks) but this is out of the scope of this extension.

avatar Dangart

Не работают пометки из выделенного текста, нет возможности добавить произвольные пометки. Поиск по тегам выдаёт только часть результатов. Нельзя убрать плашку про покупку про версии: да, я её увидел, я не собираюсь покупать про версию в расширении которое только установил, если такое желание появится, всегда можно зайти в настройки и посмотреть что да как. Лучше бы сделали просто через некоторое время как уведомление, которое можно закрыть и оно не будет постоянно висеть, что "вам нравится наше расширение? поддержите его, купив про версию" и прочее.

avatar Kevin T

Has so much potential but customer service doesn't exist and makes it hell for you to use that it's no longer even worth it to use.

avatar Brave Lion

The Best Book Manager on the Chrome Store & i'd reckon on the internet right now!
Been able to setup SOPs, Checklists among many other Productivity items. Would definitely recommend, and cheers to the author of this app as he is one single guy as mentioned on his Getting Started Page. Thanks for this wonderful creation.

avatar adriano queiroz


avatar Frank Skare

underrated app

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