Screen Reader for Google Chrome Screen Reader for Google Chrome

Version: 0.6.2
Last Update: 2015-01-08

User Reviews

avatar Markus Krainz

Breaks some websites so that forms don't show up

avatar Laura Hess

Doesn't work

avatar Elizabeth Ang

I use this extension to read articles for my school work. The reader doesn't read everything though. It does not read my online text books, which is unfortunate, and also does not read pdf documents. I'm not sure where to find something that would read these types of online papers.

avatar Gerald Gongon

it works, but causes css display issues. Nice to use when you're too lazy to read an article yourself. :)

avatar A Google User

It is not doing anything. :((

avatar Greg Gay

Could not make it work

avatar Mark Sta Ana

Definitely an improvement on the TTS technology. The voice doesn't jar near as the one provided by the Kindle.

Still needs improving, but a very good start.

avatar Jen Mooney

To all the people saying it doesn't work: You have to click the text to make it read. Not very obvious, I only found it when I went to copy and paste something after installing it. That said, it's choppy and cuts out partway through a paragraph (text I was reading had a lot of citations in it, so maybe that was the problem), and will only start back at the beginning of a paragraph. It also sounds very much like old an school text reader vs the newer technology they have in iOS accessibility features, for example. Would be great if you could select speed options. But it works.

avatar Melody Sierra

I could not make it work. Ironically, I deleted it. Tried to leave a review, it wouldn't let me leave a review unless I had it installed. Ha! So I reinstalled it just so I could leave the review. It doesn't work. Maybe it used to, but it definitely doesn't now.

avatar Alexander Tkachenko

- не понятно как активировать озвучку
- отсутствует документация

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