Workspace Launcher Workspace Launcher

Version: 1.2
Last Update: 2017-02-27

User Reviews

avatar Justin Sharber

This is a great extension - it's just what I need. I had been using multiple chrome profiles to get web workspaces, but this is much better.

There are a couple issues. One is that it's too easy to delete a workspace - the "delete" button is directly under the "save" button, and it's too easy to click. Second, deleted workspaces still reserve the name. If you delete a workspace and try to recreate it, you can't name it the same thing, nor can you recover the deleted workspace.

It would be nice to be able to drag and drop website names in the ordering, although it's not a must-have.

avatar Laura Shanae

REALLY COOL! Only problem is that I need it to work when I open a new Incognito window. I've enabled for incognito, but can't launch from there.

To solve this, (in addition making a more intuitive interface), all you need is an option to launch a workspace when you click on the logo, instead of ONLY letting you save your current tabs. If you could save OR launch---two birds, one stone.

Let us know when you issue an update for this! Thanks for the awesome plugin!

avatar Dessauges Antoine

Really cool but the black design is hard to read. If you can add an option to change the background color or use a background image, it will be perfect.

avatar Max Finkelstein

Nice. Thank you.

avatar Matías Celasco

When a workspace change there is no way to save the changes so I had to create a new one and remove the old one. Also, the lenght limit for the workspace names is way too short.

avatar Samuel

I good idea, for me personally, would be to lock it in some what that you can only keep the tabs and can't add new ones. This can apply to people with habits of going on to distacting websites.

avatar Daniel Latch

Promising product but what is the group limit? How many groups are allowed? I've lost two groups by deleting the windows once saving the group only to find them missing when I returned at a later time. It almost just happened again but this time I was aware enough from past pain to closely examine each onscreen element and test the product before deleting the source. Nothing told me I was over limit and must upgrade to save or perhaps inform me how to consolidate groups into subcategories for research - another premium feature? I have five group. Must I consolidate and if so, How? Best practice? What's the limit and What's the next level? Keep it up and penetrate the market. Great start!

avatar Zoltán Szoboszlai

It would be super nice if you would stop converting all URL into capitalized letters.

I can't add some stuff to the workspace due to this.

I would like to add some subreddit for example but is failing due to the capital letters.

avatar Женя

Thank you! That's what I have needed for a long time! But, can you add function for resave current (or custom) workspace with current open tabs by button at right top corner. I mean, if I have tab1, tab2, tab3 in workspace1, then open workspace1, do some thoings and open tab4 and close tab2, press resave current workspace by open tabs permanently and next, if I open workspace1 I have tab1 and tab2 in my window. I work with many sites and many different pages on this sites and what I need, save current session for some site as workpace1 and other pages of this site or another site as workspace2 and later get it again.

Then, I be back and give you one more star:D

Look at the FreshStart Extension and other extensions of it developer (TooManyTabs for example). But they are have ugly design and some else kind of problems. You extension is my choice, so, if you do some more settings it's be very cool.

Sory for my English, if anything.

avatar André Lins

I need to create groups of tabs and switch to each one of them. This extension did not fulfill my expectations. Initially I had 5 tabs opened belonging to 2 logical groups. I created one workspace, it included all 5 tabs. So I created a second workspace expecting to move some tabs from the first to the second, but it copied the first instead of creating an empty one. How do I delete certain tabs from each? Now when I click on a workspace, instead of switching to the other tab set, it opens 5 new duplicated tabs. Very confusing, frustrating, hard to figure out, and useless as it is.

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