Workspace Launcher Workspace Launcher

Version: 1.2
Last Update: 2017-02-27

User Reviews

avatar Jakadelle Corven

Ahhh this is what I needed all the time! Thank you so much for this!

avatar Adam Karacsony

I'd really like this extension, but it ruins the "new tab" page which feature can't be turned off. Please change that or at least make a setting where that can be turned off!

avatar Taryn Morvillo

This is a great - GREAT - concept and so far the execution has been seamless, the UI is sexxxy (dark and mysterious - yet simple to control!), and I haven't even spent all that much time w/it yet. So please, keep up the good work - a lot of people are looking for this. My only issue: The OPTION to have Workspace Launcher replace my New Tab (or the ext'n I like as my New Tab) is cool. The unannounced hijacking of the user's New Tab page will cause riots - I've seen it happen. While it's definitely a feature a lot of people will want, it's a feature a lot of people will cuss you out/install, see that happen, and uninstall immediately - never giving it a chance - this whole New Tab polarization is a trend I've noticed in the Chrome Store with the introduction of truly top-notch, innovative, big problem-solving extensions - and yours is game-changer - elegant, streamlined. Is there an "uncheck" option? If the New Tab takeover is optional, and you highlight this as a feature? OMG you will win the internet or something equally HUGELY random yet Obviously Impressive... People go a little bit crazy when their New Tab gets messed with . . . Okay, I get a bit crazy when this happens... But see how calmly I'm being? That's because your extension is so awesome, and also cuz I think people who make my virtual life better, simpler, more productive, etc. are to be encouraged, acknowledged, appreciated, and fist-bumped. So: Thank you - this is really useful - REALLY REALLY - and a pleasure to use. I shall spread the word. [pound fists] Just keep up the great work!

avatar ire

I think that it it's a great start although not being able to delete/edit workspaces is a bit of a turn-off for me

avatar Harry Reafor

clean and so good.most specially the black UI

avatar John-Paul Martelino

Really helpful! I use it to navigate through my work for different courses at school seamlessly! Also use it to preset spaces for music, news, and stuff like that; really lets me optimizes my study breaks!

avatar Joe Santos

What a great way to get right into your work! I have a set of webpages that I need opened up depending on the task and activity. Whether I'm at work, home, at the coffee shop, I can open the right pages and get started with work, reading, catching up on news.

avatar Emmanuel Zaoui

The extension is minimalistic and this is fine, no complicated or extended functionalities which make it simple to use by the end.
Once a set of tabs created, you could open it from a new window or by a new tab.
Things to consider though :
The new page open on the Workspace Dashboard, meaning that your initial welcome page won't be accessible anymore (is overwritten in a way).
Last update is 2017, so what about security, coud there be flaws?

avatar Андрей К

Why is it better than storing bookmarks in a folder and opening them on demand?

avatar Leslie Woynowski

Help - Show all Workspaces. I have more than 1 row of workspaces and I would like the home screen to show all of them, instead of clicking the button to 'Show All.' Am I missing something? Thanks!

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