Wrike ToDo list Wrike ToDo list

Version: 1.0.21
Last Update: 2023-03-21

User Reviews

avatar Cameron Korb

This new task will save me paper and keep me on task.

avatar A Google User

I'm really liking this! This is a useful way to keep a to-do list integrated with Wrike. I also love that it's customizable, so you can still keep your new tab fun and attractive.

avatar Rachel Welsch

This is a very cool extension. I look forward to using it daily.

avatar Andrei Popov

Интересная фича - позволяет заменить фон при открытии новой вкладки в гугл хроме на создание списка задач, которые при этом отображаются в самом Райке в отдельной папке. Не знаю, для кого это могло бы быть интересным, но в целом, изза должной синхронизации задач можно отметить это приложение как рабочее

avatar Bernabé Torres

Very clever from wrike, saves me the trouble of having to open google keep etc.

avatar Paulo Moura

Wrike changed my live

avatar Pixel Puppy Productions

Wrike ToDo is a great extension to a great project management solution!

avatar Karen Savage

This is a powerful program. They've apparently fixed the complaints above because I don't have a problem creating tasks for specific projects. But it's annoying how it shows up when you create a new tab in Chrome. That is my biggest complaint. If it's just me not knowing how to set it up, then it's way more complicated than it needs to be to do.

avatar Stephanie Castilla

I love the visual design of this, but I really wish I could create additional widgets to display tasks from any space, project, or folder. How amazing would it be to open this each day and see what I already have planned along with any extra to dos I need to add? Please consider updating this to include additional task lists! :)

avatar Jordan Richardson

This is not useful for business use, I create all tasks inside of my teams space. Why can't you choose where tasks are created?

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