Highlight This: finds and marks words Highlight This: finds and marks words

Version: 5.3.4
Last Update: 2022-10-16


317 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar Josemaria Adriatico

A very helpful tool, aids me in speed reading through articles especially when working.

My only issue is that I can't get seem to get the site exclusions working, it still highlights the words in websites I've added in the exclusion list.. even *.google.* isn't working

avatar Beverly Mitchell

I LOVE THIS EXTENSION!!! So much more functionality than "Hightlight This!"

avatar Gustavo Machado

just dont work

avatar Валерий К

Разработчик пожалуйста добавь на горячую комбинацию клавиш окно с искомым текстом. Так как с картинки текст не скопировать и приходится это прописывать в ручную. а это масса нажатий что бы изменить текст

avatar Dennis

Отлично! То что искал. Создал чёрный и белый список брендов и СМИ.

avatar Bruce Edge

Finally - a functional multihighlighter
I've tried a bunch of these over the years and this one is by far the best to date.

avatar tenerife sea

I like it, however I would like to be able to highlight a different color to each words within a list (each bullet points could be a different color). I somehow was able to do this when I first got the extension, but now after an hour of trying it again, it will not work. trying to change the color of a single word (in a bullet point) will just change the color of every single words in that list. it's frustrating bc when I research literature, every words will just be one blob of color.

avatar Liu Jin


avatar 买祥


avatar Joshua Tan

Is it possible to make it off by default? I only want to turn it on myself when I need it but it seems like every time I open a new window, it's turned on by default.

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