Highlight This: finds and marks words Highlight This: finds and marks words

Version: 5.3.4
Last Update: 2022-10-16


317 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar Lijo

Very useful and helpful for finding certain words as updated.

avatar Sebastián Palombo

I love the new funcionality that notifies whenever a word is found. I'd love it if the pop up showed you which is the word that was found. That'd literally be awesome.

avatar Fred Buyse

Best in it's kind !!

avatar Saverio Baldassarre

Wonderfull, it will be usefull add the option to mark as bold the founded text

avatar Lord Protector

I don't understand what the ON-OFF switch actually does...I put it in OFF (because I don't want the words to be highlighted every time I open my browser) and it switches back ON!! ...WHY this hassle to disable it every time I open chrome?...So 1 star and removed

avatar Varinder Pal Singh

Extension is really great, but it is not highlight text words in editable fields such as WordPress admin post editor textareathis is my word/textarea. Although I see an option where it says (Highlight in editable fields) but it won't work.

avatar john doe

Excellent work Wim!

Words work, sentences work, even works sometimes without refreshing, having several lists was great, so far always work not like other extensions that does not work 50% of the time, very well thought extension.

avatar Luc Godfroid

Je donne 4/5 (pour ne pas dire 5) à cette extension car il y a parfois un problème de vélocité et pour le problème (bien connu) des alphabets accentués comme le français.

Ceci dit, franchement, c'est une excellente extension pour peu que l'on se penche dessus avec attention.
Comme je travaille sur du turc et azéri et que je possède un clavier turc pour les "Ü-ü-Ğ-ğ-Ş-ş-Ç-ç-I-i-Ə-ə-İ-ı" c'est sans problème.

Bravo et merci au(x) développeurs en souhaitant longue vie à "Highlight This".
Cordialement depuis Istanbul.

EDGE : Windows 10 - Version 90.0.818.41 (Version officielle) (64 bits)

avatar Faizanur Rahman

Hi Wim,

very helpful and creative app.
improvement: add a vocabulary builder application, dictionary

avatar Steve Rand

Works, which is nice... wildcard support is fantastic. Only issue I have is when i'm adding new words, enter will save and close, shift-enter will give me a new line but without the checkbox and when I save and edit again, the new lines are all mixed into one line.
Update. Enter now creates a new line with checkbox. Great!
For some reason, highlighted text in a dropdown list is not clickable. You can click the whitespace after the highlighted word, but not anywhere near the highlighted text.

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