Homey: Productive and cozy start page Homey: Productive and cozy start page

Version: 4.16.15
Last Update: 2023-04-23


4357 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar Danil Vorotnikov

В целом хорошее расширение. До этого пытался пользоваться другими, но все не то, а тут и приятный дизайн и красивые фоновые обои, и погоду показывает, и красиво организовано. Единственное, я бы добавил отключение "Закладок", так как лично мне они не нужны. Можно было бы добавить под блок с "Погодой" ленту RSS. Также хочу сказать про иконки. 1) Хотелось бы, чтобы расширение подхватывало favicon сайта. 2) Не очень понятно для чего кнопка "Найти иконку сайта". Попробовал на Discord — не работает. Возможно, она и должна подхватывать favicon, но, увы, нет. Касательно Премиум версии... Хочу еще какое-то время попользоваться, чтобы точно убедиться в том, что хочу купить подписку на год.

avatar Vishjit

Makes my chrome look nice

avatar Cathy Butler

Cant go without it now.

avatar Forest

Since my review of this extension two years ago, I will have to deduct 2 stars, one for each year, from my initial 5-star rating due to the stagnation of development in that time. I love everything about this app still, don't get me wrong; the layout of the page is perfect for my version of "productive": the clock on the top left, underneath which are productive widgets for quick glancing, and then the next thing your eye notices is the bookmarks tab, after which the other smaller buttons like quick access to the store, extensions library, google apps, etc. is flawlessly designed. The only glaring issue I have is the lack of updates to the widgets available to post. The way you choose a widget makes you go into a menu that looks made for a long list of checkmarks to click for a long list of widgets to choose from, but there's still only three. What I would love to be able to pin there would be a widget view of my google calendar and small colored dots to label events for example, my email list, etc. All we get are quotes, weather and notes, of which the weather is the only true purpose I have for displaying the widgets at all. Other ideas I have that you can use for free, no strings attached, for more widgets are things like: Stocks/NFT graphs, Google News RSS feed, Social Media Subscriber counter, google reminders list, etc. Also, another idea is to be able to make "categories" that exist to the right of the tab labeled "Popular Sites" that list subbookmarks, just like folders do. To make it even simpler, could we even just be able to pin our already existing folders there for quick access? I love the presentation and ideas in this extension, I just wish more was being done on it.

avatar Jeremy Moisés Rodriguez Ramirez

que pro B)

avatar MOEB

I been looking for the perfect extension for my first page and this is the best one and i love it

avatar 123 010001001

классное расширение! всем советую

avatar Erik Lannert


avatar дикий волк

ir okey

avatar Trinity Burton

I think its a very cute extension and very calming to have as your home page. I don't exactly like the search function on it. Its very visually ugly and I would rather just use google at that rate.

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