Rename Tab Title Rename Tab Title

Version: 1.2
Last Update: 2020-02-12

User Reviews

avatar Đorđe Jović

Does not work.

avatar Nick P

Thanks for the free tool. Please keep developing! (Make sure names don't change, right-click context menu would be fantastic if possible...)

avatar Patrick Faulconer

It doesn't work when the page reloads if the site is using jQuery to set the tab title. The developer of this extension could fix this by waiting until the page has fully loaded to set the table title.

avatar J S

4.5 - I recommend a right click context menu.

avatar Alex E

doesn't work

avatar Denis Cowley

Exactly what I needed. Renames Chrome browser tab with simple click.

avatar Max Georgievsky

Tab name resets after reloading page, so this extension is useless...

avatar Christoffer Brobäck

the regex doesn't seem to allow capture groups,
i added in the title $1 and /1 and didn't get other title results than "$1" and "/1"
i would maintain this plugin if the source was on github and i could fork it

avatar KONGOU 3

Is there a limit to the number of tab titles that can be saved?
I have saved hundreds of titles so far.
But recently I realized that I can no longer save.

If the limit is set, please remove it.
Or please tell me the file name of the local file where the settings are saved.
Thank you.

avatar Tim Hueller

I wanted an extension that would rename a tab for YouTube history to "History - YouTube" from the Google-forced "YouTube". I tried a few and none of them worked. Then I tried Rename Tab Title and my search ended. :) Now every time I go to my YouTube history, boom: the tab title changes to "History - YouTube". Thank you, Anush Veeranala!

Edit: Now it's no longer holding the title of "History - YouTube". It holds it for a while, but after some indeterminate amount of time, it goes back to "YouTube". I can never predict when it will do that. Back to the proverbial drawing board...

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