TooManyTabs for Chrome TooManyTabs for Chrome

Version: 2.3
Last Update: 2020-05-28


1655 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar Si Estas Cansado, Dibuja Flores.

Ojala se pudiera guardar por carpetas

avatar Anony Mouse

Why can't I disable the pane for "closed/suspended tabs"? I don't want that. Why is there a theme chooser directly in the interface? Keep the options in the options and the features in the interface. Previews don't work. 2D sideways scrolling is buggy and cartoonish, I don't want to scroll sideways.

avatar Dead Knight

Some time ago it worked perfectly... but now... Sometime I need to wait 15-20 seconds before the TMT opens its window

avatar Nonbinary Gamer

Really like this extension, but if I had one wish it would be to make the colour of the tab counter configurable, some of the default colours make it hard to read the number for me.

avatar Amir Aïssa

The "Suspended Tabs" Feature is a game changer for me. Thank you.

avatar si seloni

This used to be perfect. Easy to find my way round. Great functionality.
Now they have ruined it completely. No periodic saves. etc
We do not want our tabs to do with Googledrive. Like they need more of our info!!
I've just lost all my recent tabs. Wouldn't have happened with the last version.
Reinstate the last version. It was 100 times better!

avatar Robbie Galfrin

Really bothers me that the tabs are not ordered in the same way as in the window itself, and if I allow showing tabs across windows then it's not split to separate windows in the view, just one big mess (with 100+ tabs you can't work like that).

There is good potential but it needs to go the extra mile to be good and useful.

avatar 懒得想网名

Very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

avatar Ubirajara Bandeira Jr

Fazer isso manualmente? Por que não fazer automaticamente? Exemplo, manter apenas 4 últimas abas abertas, fechar temporariamente todas as demais - não mexer nas abas fixadas. Quem abre muitas abas não tem tempo para gerenciar aba por aba decidindo qual deve ficar aberta...

avatar Lexa Mystery

Пользовался этим дополнением много лет, но сегодня, в этот прекрасный день, все закладки слетели напрочь. Около 1000 закладок... Бэкап не работает. Слов нет, одни эмоции...

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